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     Six new messages... Lily stared at her phone. Five were from the guy on the dating website. The other one from Sasha. 

damn will he just leave me alone? She wondered to herself. She hadn't been in the mood to go on the app, not in the mood for flirting, or being flirted with. Her friend had just died. She had told the guy this, but he carried on and carried on. Kept asking if she was okay, what was she up to, when do you want to meet up.

She almost snapped yesterday. Almost replied telling him to stop, and leave her alone, only the way she would have put it wouldn't have been so polite. She opted for ignorance, seeing as he didn't get the hint from the dead friend story. Maybe he didn't believe me. Maybe he thought it was just a line to get him to leave me alone. I will say one thing for him, I admire his persistence.

She opened Sasha's message. "Have you heard any more about Ruby, or who attacked her?"

Lily replied. "No, if I do I will let you know. Think its too soon to call her mother? Or maybe go round with some flowers?"

"I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture." Sasha advised.

      He stood by his window, smoking a cigarette, his dog wolfing down a bowl of food. They had just been for a walk but hadn't bumped into Lily with her dog. That had angered him. He contemplated sending her another message, but noted that she hadnt even read is last five messages. She's using the dead girl as an excuse. She's just another ignorant bitch who thinks she's too good for me. 

He tossed the cigarette butt out of the window and turned to his laptop. Instead of messaging her, he had a look on Sasha's Facebook page. Maybe I can find out something here. Like where she will be... I will find her, and she will regret ignoring me.

But she seemed so nice. Maybe if I was honest with her... He tried taking the best picture of himself that he could on his phone. He uploaded it to his laptop and pasted it in a message to Lily.

"I'm sorry. I was not completely honest with you. The man on the photo is not me. It is a fake profile picture. Thing is... I just don't feel like I would be good enough for you if you'd known what I look like from the start. I was hoping we could build up a good relationship and then I could be honest but you woud still give me a chance. I'm sorry, again. This is me..."

He didn't send it, but saved the message. He would send it when he was ready.

     A knock at the door... The last time there was a unexpected knock at the door in the midde of the day she had gotten the news her daughter was murdered. Part of Linda hoped it was the police with some news, another part of her hoped it was a friendly face come to try and take her mind off things, and the remaining part of her hoped it was a truck-load of free vodka, so she could forget about it all.

She had never been a drinker, but she found herself drinking often now. All in one month, her kitten had ran away, never to be seen again, her husband had walked out on her for a younger woman, and then her daughter got stabbed to death on one of the most peaceful and beautiful parks she had ever seen. She could never go back there. Much to the dogs disappointment. She used to walk the dog there every day, but since all this, the poor little Jack Russel had only been out in the back yard.

She reluctantly went to answer the door. "Lily! You didn't have to come round. Honestly I'm fine." She said after inviting Lily in. They were standing in the kitchen, drinking coffee. Decaffeinated for Linda. 

"I just wanted to make sure. You have a vase for these?" 

"Yes, I'll go get one." Linda said, a little flustered. She rushed from the room, and Lily could hear her rummaging around in a small storage cupboard under the stairs. "Ah, here it is."

Linda filled the vase with water and carefully placed the flowers in. "The Police came to see me. Wanting to know if I might have seen anything on my birthday."

"Were you able to tell them anything?" Linda asked hopefully.

Lily shook her head slowly, sympathetically. "I'm sorry. Ruby was always disappearing on nights out. The only difference this time was we didn't bump into her again. Normally we find her in a different pub or off talking to some other people. But this time we didn't."

"Did you not worry?"

"Not really. Because she was always doing it." Lily sighed suddenly feeling guilty. "I did get a little worried the next day when me and Sasha couldn't get in touch with her... then we heard that a body had been found on the park and we... sorry." She cleared her throat.

"Don't be silly. You have nothing to apologise for." Linda fiddled with the roses in the vase. "I just wish someone had seen something. Apparently they couldn't find anything on CCTV either. She left the pub alone, no one was following her, and then she simply vanished."

"Sasha gave them Chloe's address, but I haven't heard anything from her. Maybe she noticed something." Lily said hopefully.

"I won't be getting my hopes up." 

     He deleted the message. No, she can't know who I am... She saw me the other day on the park. She'll remember me.

There was nothing he could do right now. Sasha's facebook profile revealed nothing. Only the picture from the dinner outing, with this Matt guy. He could feel the rage building up inside of him. He would not let another girl do this to him. They say 'ignorance is bliss'... They could not be more wrong...


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