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Lloyd: lloydz eyez are really green , which i guess that shouldn't. when i first met him he had red eyez like his father and when he unlocked his golden power thing he had gold, but then as you know he lost his powers and he got green eyez

Nya: nya haz really pretty eyez, (trust me i see them a lot). they're brown with specks of blue around her pupil.

Kai: almost like nyaz but with red speckz instead of blue

Cole: hez got a chocolate brown eyez, they're really pretty

Jay: i've got electric blue baby !!

Zane: light blue but he can change how they look and how bright they are. like at night before we go to bed he dimz them so he won't keep us up due to them being to bright

Pixal: her eyez are like zanez except green !!

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