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This is my first story, so comment,rate etc. If it was good so far and if i should complete it

We Had Just moved here, New town new friends and a new life.

My Father Says This will help Our Bills but i think its a way for My Parents to be in a new Atmosphere, Truthfully I was getting tired Of Tennasee Anyway. Wisconsin... when i say that i think of a bunch of weird quite people but since we moved here its nothing But Joyful people... Maybe To Joyful for comfort

I have no Idea how im going to be interpreted by people in my new school, Being gay and fairly attractive... well in my parents eyes, its a thought that ponders me all the time

As I Close My Journal,Lay back At my Bare ceiling  I Dose Off... Hearing my parents HeadBoard Knock On My wall Like Their re-enacting world war

Standing By The Flower wallWhere stories live. Discover now