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I want to roll the numbers
I want to feel my stars align again
Even if the earth breaks like burnt skin
And the heavens just won't open up for me

I want to roll the numbersI want to feel my stars align againEven if the earth breaks like burnt skinAnd the heavens just won't open up for me

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His hands rub together, an extra pep in his step as he takes it all in.

He finally can take it all in.

Chris smirks at the demon in his red throne, his black irises on display as they dance between the leader and his daughter. He's quite pleased if he is being honest, much so that he is destined to be the new ruler. He guesses being the one with no worry nor concern of getting his hands dirty does the best work here. Satan sits in his chair, his nails tapping against the wood. He brings his finger to his lips and taps before looking to his daughter.

A beautiful bright demon with such a porcelain skin. It's like she always bathed in blood in human years. He knew before it all came down and she grew up to be this young woman of a demon, he would be here. Practically handing the throne over to his daughter's mate.

She is beautiful. A sight for sore demon eyes.

Her black irises that still hold some color left to them. The tiniest bit of human remains. A legend that had been told through out the generations made to be true by his very child here. A rare occasion for most demons. Ones born of full demon blood. It's some genetic fluke in a sense. The fight between good and evil. Most believe, as if God had found its way into make sure some still have some sort of good in them.

To know the difference between right and wrong.

His precious daughter who despite everything is his little princess. The only one in the world he really sees the true him. The heart he has beating very quietly inside his chest. She is his little demon child and he would do all he could for her. Granted if it stayed in his rules that is. She has to learn the cruel world eventually.

He hopes he had taught her that has best as he could.

His hand runs along her check and she shutters at the feeling. Goosebumps run along her pale skin. Her eyes looking up to her father. The wide innocent eyed child who is now of age gives a soft smile not matching her eyes. When have they ever did so? He doesn't miss the way she moves her horror filled eyes from Chris to her father.

Her very heart beating inside her chest as best as it could being the demon she is.

"Oh angel. Don't be scared my sweet girl."

Satan coos.

"You knew this was to come. Didn't you?"

Her eyes grow wide as she looks to her father.

The sound of his voice despite the grittiness filled in it is still meant to be a soft comforting tone. He wasn't exactly meant to be made weak here. He wouldn't have got anywhere in life if that was the case. He was meant for great and evil things. He had learned that from his father. Only he failed, he could have taken over Heaven.

She gulps, but nods.

"Yes Father."

He could have made that place filled with such terror. Fire. Murder. All the dark things ones head could think of. Even having his own disciples much like Jesus had. Only to have the very one he trusted the most, his right hand man turn on him.

His plan failed.

His own fault he supposes. He shouldn't have opened his mouth to that damn angel. He now knows to not trust anyone anymore. Not even his own child. No matter how much he loves her. This is hell after all. Everyone is not who you think. Everyone is capable of the deepest betrayal. Everyone. Including his own blood, his own daughter. No exceptions.

It takes a great man with such very little guilt to run this throne and place which is why he has decided for Chris here to do so.

"Chris here."

Satan curls his finger under his porcelain like daughter's chin, lifting it to where her eyes are on his again. His black pupils beading into hers with such intent of making sure she understood. As if he hadn't gone through this a thousandth time.

"He is gonna take good care of you my child."

The man smiles showcasing his pointy teeth. White as can be. His black eyes getting wider despite the obvious crinkle as his smile grows bigger and bigger.

You shudder under your father's touch, "Daddy..."

The man raises an eyebrow at you. Now there child, you know better to speak up before told too. It's the very look he gives you and you close your mouth as quick as it opened.

You can still remember the last time you disobeyed him. The daughter of Satan, she won't get the better treatment. She still had to listen, as your father had said. It makes you wince at the pain that had been from his hands at the punishment of disobeying.

"He is gonna be a great ruler, father, and husband."

Your eyes go wide at the word father. Satan can't help but smile even wider as he reads the very look you have on your face. He really thought you knew better, he guesses not.

You know what happens. You should know that. You watched your older sister marry who she is with now. He runs the purgatory realm. Everyone knows that. She found her soul within another person, don't you know that can happen to you?

If you let it happen, of course.

Chris can't help but smile at the horror that comes across your face. The way you're perfect little heart beats so fast along your chest as you look towards him. You are absolutely gorgeous. Such a sweet evil innocent soul. If that makes sense. You are much too pure but the way you look, you don't know the effects you have on men.

Yet, you belong to him. He can't wait to parade you around and show you off. It makes him so excited to know that you are gonna be his soon. In so many ways. You have to obey his every command and if you don't, well let's hope you don't do that.

He definitely doesn't want to live this life without such a precious pure little demon.

His tongue swipes his bottom lip as he gives a smile to match your fathers. His insides tingling at the mere thought of your body and soul belonging to him. He is ecstatic with his life. A newborn demon of just five years made it here? Never in history has that happened here.

It takes years for someone to get to this throne. Unless you are born into the royalty of it. Yet, he did all he could do to get here. For it to be him. Oh the power he will have.

"Yeah sweet demon angel, dont fret. I plan to take very good care of you."

Chris takes a step closer, his own hand coming to rest on the right cheek, cupping it with a gentle cold touch that you shiver. Not like you aren't used to that touch anyway. Maybe it's cause you sense he truly is up to no good. You can't protest. You can't run. You are in your own hell. More or so then you ever wanted to be.

You're trapped in between both of men who just stare with the creepiest looks on their faces.

"In just a short few days, we will rule this whole place my love."

Chris runs a finger along your jaw.

His eyes dart back to your father, "My son, you will make a good ruler."

As he steps to your fathers side, your eyes dart to the man who works so effortlessly on the arch meant to be for the arranged pairing. Tears filled in those eyes of yours as he gives a sad smile of his own.

It's gonna be okay. I'll make it work.

He mouths.

You sure hope so.

You don't know if you can go through with this. Not without the man who you are meant for.

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