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I made loving you a blood sport
I made loving you a blood sport
I made loving you a blood sport
I can't win
So let's play

I made loving you a blood sportI made loving you a blood sportI made loving you a blood sportI can't winSo let's play

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He can't help the smile spreads wide across his face. The red dress that rests so perfectly against her body that he misses the way you feels against him. The way his arms wrap around you and how yours does him.

Your eyes spot his and the stress that is written all over your face. The sadness and horror that filled that porcelain skin of yours fades. Nothing but content and comfort as you stare at him.

His heart beats in his chest as you run to where he stands, eyes wide and on alert as well as his listening. Careful to make sure no one sees you with him here. Or him where he isn't supposed to be. He's been careful thus far. He will continue to be. He can't risk loosing you because of a secret meet up.

He'll give his life up for you. He has said it time and time again. He means it but he wants more time with you. He needs a chance with you.

He's just a useless slave. His life has no real meaning. You know this as well as he does. It hurts but he knows where he stands with you. So in some sense, his life does matter as long as you are in it. It makes his life a little less dreary and useless. It gives him hope in this life. At night when he is alone, he thinks of a life with you.

You sigh with as much as content as you can have in the current situation. You give him a small smile, the best you can muster up considering you have to meet up with him secretly. What a fucking ridiculous life you were given. The very one you wish you could escape. This is not what you asked for. You didn't want this. Never have.

The moment your near him, you sigh. Releasing whatever demons you have inside of you. Just being near him, you feel a little better.  A little less alone. A little less sad and miserable. It's when you leave, it hits again.

Ryan wraps his arms around you, a death grip as he presses his lips into yours. He knows he must be quick. He doesn't want to be. It's the only time he can really see you. He can ever truly hold you. Any small sign that he is gone from where he has been assigned to do his job, it's his head. Its his life. He won't have one anymore. Good thing, he has one person who owes him a favor for the most part.

The only one he looks out for. The same for him.

You sniffle against his chest. It's been a week of this. You don't want to do this anymore. You don't think you can.

"It's okay babe. It's okay."

He wipes at the tears that are flooding down your flushed cheeks. Moving the black hair that is in your face that covers those beautiful black irises of yours. The ones that still hold some color left in them, a trait he wishes he had some days.

One that showcases the little bit of humanity that still is inside of one's body. Even if you weren't born a human, but a full blood demon. You are more human then you will ever realize. Then anyone will. You somehow have a heart that shows you are way too pure to be in such an evil place. He can understand it.

Sure, he wasn't born evil. He wasn't even evil in his human life.
He wasn't exactly the greatest either. He did some bad things. He hurt the ones he loved the most. He cheated. He lied. He used. He manipulated. He did that to everyone he ever loved. Except for you, crazy how karma works even in hell.

It's his biggest regret being here.

He was due to be married then tragedy struck. He can't remember much of the details but he knows for the most part, he didn't die in a peaceful way. It was tragic and when he removes his shirt, it shows up. The scarring does anyway.

He can't have you. Not the way he wants. He knows that. It haunts him every time he sees Chris all over you. Even when he smells him. It's like the man has an inkling but he knows that's not the case. You don't dare risk to get caught or to cause anyone more trouble.

You don't even look his way. You make sure your eyes always stay trained to the ground or on something in the distance. He can see the sadness filled in them at all times. Even with him, he sees it. He knows you are desperate to be with him. He is desperate too.

"Ryan, you have to speak up. I can't do this."

You whimper, clutching the black t shirt that's in shatters that had been given to him when he had came here. The newer ones always get the leftovers of those before them. This place is truly anyone's worst nightmare. Yours included, you have never left here but it's still a place that haunts you even in your dreams.

"Baby, please. I need you to do this for me."

His hands cup your cheeks, "I know babe. I know. Trust me, i have a plan."

He holds your shaking body to his embrace, rubbing at the back of your head swaying you as he looks around to keep a look out for any demons that could be on the lookout for him. For any of the slaves that should be in the assigned area. He had learned to trust no one but the very ones who have been there for him.

Which he could count on one hand.

"Trust me baby. I will get you out of this."

He looks down to you, pulling your chin to look up at him.

"Patience baby."

Sniffling, you nod.

He presses a kiss to your lips, rubbing at your back as he looks around again. Knowing very well, he needs to get back soon. Chris is always looking where no one knows and he very much wants the chance to be able to get you away from the man who sends chills down his spine.

Who doesn't even love you the way you deserve. You don't deserve that. You don't deserve a life of misery and tragedy. Never have.

He doesn't want to see you with the man who doesn't have one genuine bone in his body. The man is out for blood, power, control, genuine and utter destruction. He will not stand for that.

One more kiss, "I gotta go baby. I'm sorry. I love you."

He presses another kiss to your lips and then to the top of your forehead, "I have got a plan."

He sighs, rubbing a finger against your lips before you gave a sad smile. He knows. He does. He doesn't want to have to leave you either. He knows Chris is always at your home. He is always around even when he shouldn't be. It's a constant concern of Ryan's. You don't know that but it is. He hates it.

It makes his skin crawl to think Chris could easily be kissing you and holding you. Acting like he cares so much about you when in reality he doesn't. He would probably toss you off the walkway as soon as he could if it meant you could ruin his power.

He can't do much currently and unfortunately it hurts him. It makes him want to rage but if he does that, his plan won't work. He has to play this right. He has to do this the smart way. No one got anywhere throwing themselves head first during a rage feeling.

He has to play this smart and he promises somehow, he will get you safe. He will have you in his arms with no worries or fears of being killed as soon as he can.

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