Unruly Curls

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Chapter One:

The likelihood of Stiles surviving another day is getting smaller and smaller the closer I get to Beacon Hills High. I knew I shouldn't have gone in the woods with those two last night. This morning I woke up late with only a few hours of sleep which led me to rushing with my daily routine. The icing on the cake was I didn't have time to tame my beastly blonde curly mane that I call hair. Instead of straightening it to elegance like I wanted to it is now a mass of curls, hidden within my beanie. The more I thought about my hair the more Stiles' life span is slowly shrinking.

When I get my hands on him, I'm gonna-

I am cut from mid thought when I bump into someone. "Hey! Watch it-" My sentence is cut short when I realize I bumped into Jackson Whittemore, the guy I have been crushing on since the third fricken’ grade. "Jackson! Oh, hey there! I didn't see you coming," I say sheepishly, rubbing the back if my neck.

"That's okay, just look where you're walking next time," he says chuckling. I can listen to him chuckling all day; if it were a class I would pass with an "A".

"Yeah! Totally! Roger that captain!" I say giving him a mini salute. He wolfs out a laugh as I mentally smack myself. Really Meg?! 'Roger that captain!' How lame can I get? I think to myself as we walk towards the entrance if the school.

When he calms down he looks at me, stops and asks, "So why weren't at lacrosse practice yesterday? You missed some pretty awesome moves I pulled.” I stand next to him, probably blushing.

Scott and Stiles may be complete jerks on the whole I-like-Jackson subject, but they were right when they said Jackson would never really communicate with us. He rarely does that with me, maybe in class when he needs help, but never out in public. My thoughts are soon cut off when Jackson gives me a killer smile… What was I thinking about again?

“Well I-uh-uhm… I-I had to do some last minute school shopping and get the rest of my stuff,” I said lamely, feeling my face get warmer. I want to bang my head for being this way around him. He probably thinks I am a dork. He nods his head in understanding.

“Do you know what kind of girls I like?” Jackson says out of the blue. I shake my head. Probably not girls with blonde unruly hair. He probably likes girls with straight beautiful hair. He takes a strand of my unruly curly hair and wraps it around his pointer finger. I take in a sharp breath. “I like girls who don’t hide their beautiful, curly, blonde hair. See you later Megara.” Jackson says, taking off my beanie, leaving me standing there speechless and tomato faced. Just as he gets a few meters away he turns around and gives me an award winning smile, twirling my beanie around his pointer finger. I smile right back at him and curl the strand of hair he touched around my pointer finger. When he walks through the doors of the school, I bite my lip and nearly scream. He likes my hair. My unruly and god awfully curly hair. I think I have just floated off to heaven.

A hand waving in front of my face snaps me out of my thoughts.

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