📻Chapter 2📻

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"Now this is no way treat a visitor now is it?" Merry stated. "Don't matter, what matters is what are you doing here? And with talon's strongest hacker." Soldier:76 said angry, "hm... there must be a miss understanding here Tio Jack, I was just here to visit the other side of the family no information has gotten taken." Merry tried not to sound annoyed just trying to be polite. Falena had enough of Merry's stalling "Merda! Stop lying you bitch and start talking sense!" Merry gave a annoyed look at him " I didn't know you let this kind to join Overwatch." Falena steamed up and yelled at Merry knowing she was slut shaming him, she had into on her thanks to sombra " WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT HUH?! LET ME AT HER!!" Pharah grabbed Falena by his stomach to hold him back "hey hey HEY! Calm down, don't act like that to my step sister!" "Step sister?? A sister that works for TALON! Overwatch's enemy! How can you still call her your step sister?!" Falena made it hard to believe Pharah. "Merry's my little step sis, part of Talon or not she's still family to me." McCree stated straight forward to Falena. "Jesse's right now how about you just sit out Anthony." Pharah recommenced Falena (his real name is Anthony). Pharah let go of Falena, he just grunted at sat down to the nearest chair. "Now what I'm saying is the truth, I planned this visit for months and Sombra accompanied me to sneak to Overwatch Headquarters, and I'm sure Sombra didn't steal any information of Overwatch... right... Sombra???" Merry titled, "yes of course."Sombra replies to Merry. "Then why did I find Sombra in one of the computer rooms!?" Falena yelled frustrated, Sombra didn't say anything but Merry was angry, how she know? Merry gives that creepy eye look of "you fucked up". "You were where exactly Sombra?" Merry sounded angry, "well- I eh- umm-" Genji questions Sombra "well why were you in there?" Sombra sighed " Well Sparrow~ it's just a habit to look through information, I just couldn't resist, Sorry Amiga..." Merry clutched her claws like she was gonna strangle Sombra right then and there, but she kept calm she just too polite.
"Did Reaper have anything behind this?" Soldier:76 asked, "my father had nothing to do with this visit, me and Sombra didn't tell anyone else." Merry answered clearly.
While They were talking, Genji and Sombra were at the other side of the room, kinda alone Falena still kept his eyes on Sombra to make sure she doesn't think of doing anything. "So Sparrow, I've learned a lot of things about you~" Sombra picked up a conversation with The cyborg ninja she nicknames "Sparrow" I guess it's a pet name. "I am at peace with who I was. Your threat doesn't concern me." Genji replied. "Threat? Oh no Sparrow I just want to start a conversation with you while we're uh- here... heh." Sombra I guess wanted to talk? 'Hm... something odd about her.' Genji though to himself. "You don't say much huh? I wonder how you look with a smile on your face~" Sombra tried to get to Genji, he didn't say anything though. "Hm... I see how it is then..." Sombra just left it like that for a while till Genji handed something to her. A note that said 'Do you like romen shops?'. 'What is this? *lil gasp* is he asking me out? Yes! I mean no- well-... I do have little tiny feelings for him I guess but it's won't work... what if someone from Talon or Overwatch finds me with Genji!? Oh god...' Sombra was thinking to herself, "you don't have to, your choice... sweets~" Genji whispered to Sombra, 'd-DID HE CALL ME SWEETS!?!? AAAAAAA-' Sombra was burning up from blushing, Sombra whispers to Genji "um sure I like romen, what time?" Genji wipers back to her " 7:30 pm Saturday." 'HE IS ASKING ME OUT!!' Sombra was so confused but she bet Genji was a little embarrassed. 'I asked out a agent of Talon... WHAT DID I JUST DO!? God but she's cute- no! Damn it I already asked her out, I could already tell she likes me but I don't think I've liked a woman like this...' Genji was arguing with himself in his head.

"Well Merry, you might as well leave headquarters and never comeback, or you'll probably get arrested by someone here, and Don't think Gad- I mean Reaper would be happy." Soldier telling Merry and Sombra there free to go. Falena wasn't having this "YOUR JUST GONNA LET THEM GO LIKE THAT!?" He was frustrated, these were Talon agents Talon is the reason his family's dead and him being the only one left, he'll never trust anyone from Talon. "Well guess we'll be going, let's go Sombra." Merry making her way to the door but stopped to tell Falena something " and... Anthony, don't EVER call be a bitch again, understood?" Falena just rolled his eyes "sure."
Merry and Sombra headed off home without getting noticed.
They made it home, and at the door Merry sees non other then her foster dad Gabriel Reyes who is known as Reaper. "Where have you two been?" Gabe asked, "just paying a visit to family." Merry answered walked into the house, "so you visited your dead family at the graveyard huh?" Gabe know where they actually went. "You wanted to visit Jesse, Genji, and Fareeha... didn't you?" Merry just looked at him "of course I did Papa, their Family, our family. Overwatch or Talon their still family." Gabe just sighed. "Well what I see here is some Father and Daughter stuff here so I'm just gonna go... see ya" Sombra left the room.
"Papa... do you ever wish things could go back to the way they were? ... back when Blackwatch was still here," Merry  questioned, Gabe nodded "yeah... sometime, back to the days you were small, when Jesse and Genji found you that day."
"Well I'm gonna go to sleep, night Papa." Merry waved then made her way upstairs, "night cheeka." Gabe waved back. 'She's grown so much. I miss the good o'days, 9 years old when they found her and brought her to me... I remember the day I officially adopted her like it was yesterday... I'm a little upset she left to Overwatch Headquarters unarmed, she could've gotten herself killed... then again she's a grown woman now, she won't need me anymore.' Gabe cried to himself of memories, memories of Merry when she was a child, he wishes for those days again, he misses his daughter.

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Sorry the Somji stuff is starting a bit slow... trying to make it as canon but also fanfic as possible.
💚That's all folks!💚
1109 words

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