Chapter 2

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You step out of Nicky 's passenger car door as you watch Crystal, Jan and Jackie get out of Jackie's. You start walking around to the trunk of the car to give her a hand lifting things out of it; blankets, the 3 backpacks and the several bags of snacks you all had just went to buy straight after the spring festival earlier on today in the school before heading here.

"It's so pretty out here this little beach area was a great choice Jan" Gigi spoke sweetly as she made her way from the backseat of Nicky's car shutting the door lightly. She removed the sunglasses that were perched on the top of her head to their rightful place protecting her gleaming eyes.

it had now hit 1pm and you knew you were all desperate to get down to the actual beach and chill with each other either soaking up the rays of the sun. you knew crystal was also eager to go for a dip in the ocean and she would probably drag everyone in too including yourself.

You grab your own backpack with your beach supplies that you had packed this morning before Nicky picked you up and two of the bags of snacks before walking with the rest towards the entry. "Yeah Geege, my mom used to take my sister and I here all the time when we were little." Jan blabbled,

"it's always usually deserted and barely anyone knows about it. It was always really cool as a kid because it felt like it was our own little beach and it felt like we owned it." "That's actually quite cool. so theres like nobody's about at all so we could go skinny dipping if we really wanted to." Crystal squeals. Jan giggles, "it's not that deserted all the time crystal, only sometimes I'd rather not be naked and someone comes down to relax and sees me."

Jans cheeks flush pink, "I guess maybe at nighttime it's probably completely deserted but I've never been when it's been dark." "we should someday it would be fun." crystal gleemed the lesbian in her truly shining. You watch as the rest of the girls laugh at crystal's comment and continue to talk to Jan about the beach. You normally would have laughed but you were still in your head watching Gigi as she bounced around the others blankets under her arm, her blonde hair fluttered in the wind now that she took it out of the ponytail. The sun had just caught it now as it shone brightly. Her beauty was blowing your mind ever so slightly, you wondered how you had gotten to know such a beautiful girl. These feelings were overwhelming you but yet you couldn't focus on anything else no matter how much you tried.

Nicky squeezes my arm lightly "hey Lex are you okay, you were awfully quiet on the way down. Wanna chat..." she whispers. I look up at the others making sure she saw me do it and then nodded. She seems to understand because she gave me a squeeze again.

"Oh shoot I've forgotten my phone. I think I left it in the car or well I must have because its not on me. Alexa please come help me find it." She smiles at me before shouting to everyone else who is further ahead, "Hey divas we are heading back to the car to find my phone we'll catch you guys up!!" Gigi runs over, "here I'll take some your bags off you so you don't have to trail them down to bring them back up here again." She winks at me before skipping back over to the others and continues to head to the sandy area.

"Thank you Nic" i say. "It's nothing! now spill what's on your mind, where's my perky crazy best friend." She slumps her arm around my shoulders. "A million miles away." You mumble, "like don't get me wrong I'm so happy to get to spend the rest of the day with all of you but I ehh never mind." She stops walking now that we've reached the car and she looks at you. "Seriously Squeaks what's the matter I've never seen you like this all I want to be is an ear and hopefully give some wise words, I hate seeing you like this."

You feel your bottom lip tremble. The nickname, she hasn't you called you that since the start of middle school, she was Pip and you were Squeaks the perfect duo friend names as it was what your parents called you when you were together, causing havoc. All feelings hit you at once, like a trainwreck and it's the thing to set you off , knowing that one name made you feel so comfortable in her presence. A quick tear slides down your face, "I can't ever do anything right, I feel so stupid for crying over something so silly you're gonna think it's so stupid." I say before breaking down. She grabs my hands with one hand and wipes away the tear, "please don't ever say that again. If it's annoying you at all it's not something stupid. I hope you feel like you can tell me because I'd love to see if I can help you in anyway, you know that's what best friends are for, mon amour, I care about you deeply."

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