Chapter 9

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Gigi pov
Glancing over as you watch Alexa sleep, you both had been traveling for a couple of hours so you let her sleep as she was tired still. She has her back to you and her chocolate brown hair had fallen onto her face, she was pouting ever so slightly. she was peaceful yet so super cute when she slept but you knew you were coming closer to the place and you wanted to see her reaction which meant you had to wake her.

You shake her thigh lightly not wanting to scare her out of her nap. "Babe we're nearly here you should probably wake up." She purred grumpily, "How long have I been out for..." she opened an eye and gasped. She had fell asleep on the highway which you were no longer on, Slapping your thigh playful she squeals at you. "Eghhh you should have woke me idiot! you must have drove for ages alone you must have been so bored waiting for me." You giggle, " I'm great actually I sung along to the playlist and you missed out on a show." She pouted, "you're telling me I missed Gigi karaoke you meanie." "You tease her flashing her a grin. 

"You should probably text the group so they know you're alive. They've been buzzing off  the whole journey thinking your dead." "For gods sake is Jan loosing her mind again." She pushed her hair back out of her way reaching for her phone that she left charging in the pocket. Jan kept track on everyone and hated when anyone was upset or sad especially if they disappeared and don't reply back. "For once it's not fully Jan it's Crystal, she was excited to paint you apparently and when you hadn't showed up at your normal time she checked to make sure if anyone knew where you were. Though it was something to do with a dragon I think." the girl burst out laughing,

"OMG she convinced me last night to trust her and that she promised she would tell me what she was doing and I could decide so I told her last night to design 3 animals for mine and I'd pick one. I can only imagine what dragon she's drew." She unlocks her phone, "you give her full reign for a design after saying you wouldn't, you're brave." You notice out of the corner of your eye her rolling her eyes smiling, "she guilted me into it, and You know that the curiosity got to me."

You glance at the gps, you were 5 minutes away, as a notification appeared from Angie-

"Gigi, you wouldn't happen to know where your father's keys are to his office. They've disappeared from his hook and he's a bit flustered to the whereabouts. Angie" had forgotten to leave them back in place when you borrowed information to get the keys for the place you were currently going to. You knew you needed to reply back soon as the keys were lying in your room and it's too risky for him to find them in there.

"There I replied saying I was up most of the night feeling sick so I slept in and I'm still not feeling great." She sighed. "lets hope they buy that because its a bit of a shitty lie." Lex places her phone back in the compartment it was sitting in. "We should be arriving soon" you reply bitting your lip.

You arrive outside the drive up to the property as you turn up onto the lane way and start to go up it. You see Lex peer out the window to get a good view as the property was coming into view, She squeals when she notices it. "Gigi you said you said you didn't pay for anything how are we staying here." You pull up and switch the engine off in front of the little cabin singled out away from other properties on the edge of Bass lake. The roof was of a chalet sloped style with large windows and the front was covered in daisy hanging baskets. The whole house looked to have a connection route down to the lake and the whole outside area was surrounded in tall pine tree sculpting the privacy of the cabin.

She jumps out of your jeep and squeals as you jump out grabbing your phone to reply to Angie now that you can.

"They're in my room. Please can you make it look like they weren't, say that you found them on the floor near the hooks or something like that. You can tell him that I was in there stocking up on paper for my printer and I must have not hooked them on the wall correctly. I just had forgotten to hang them back up. Thanks Angie x

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