Surprises in Plain Sight, ...*groan*

565 19 3

'Dog thoughts/ talk'
- radio -


Judy sat on the couch watching the TV. Trying to listen to her soap opera, trying being the key word. She could hear the constant click clack of nails on their hard wood floor. The constant pitter patter of pacing. Oh, she tried to be annoyed, really she tried, but Mojo was just being so cute worrying about Sam. She wondered if he knew what he was doing. A soft smiled formed on her face for her little baby, "You know you don't have to worry sweetheart." She said turning off the TV, Mojo was more important after all.

He turned out to be such a sweet worry-pup, always pacing the house when something bothered him. Ron had told her Mojo wouldn't stop pacing the house till Sam came home from the hospital for a broken arm, and never leaving her son's side till he was fully healed. Or that time when Ron ended up working late, she had to pick up her boy from school instead. Mojo ended up pacing in the car until Sam came, then settled down until Sam went to bed, before Mojo started pacing again, he stopped when she mentioned that Ron would be back in the morning and then went back to Sam's bed. Even Ron was touched and that man was hard to bend, she had her ways but apparently so did Mojo.

Mojo turned his head towards her and she smiled as he walked over and leapt up onto her lap, before snuggling deep into her side for comfort. Sighing she pet his tiny body, feeling his tense muscles relax before opening her mouth, "Come on Mojo, lets go find something to distract you with." She could have sworn she felt him shiver in her arm as she got off the couch and laughed it off knowing he wasn't too keen on her 'distraction', but it would do the job as well as get him to wear  those new clothes she bought right under Ron's nose and a few more pictures for her album.


'Thank god!' She thought as she burst through Judy's and Ron's door to the front door when she heard a car door slam.

"Honey, I'm—" he choked his next words when he saw Mojo sitting right in front of the door. That he expected. What he didn't expect was the extra set of grey tabby cat ears with the light pink shirt that said 'I love my Mommy!' With a bright pink heart under the words, the hot pink mini bows attached to his golden chain would have blinded many with this disaster of a fashion statement. Taking pity on the poor creature, he leaned down and scratched under Mojo's chin, "Dear lord, what happened to you?"

All he got was a subtle whine before the culprit herself walked in with a large grin on her face.

"My Darling Ron!" His wife happily cried as she sweetly wrapped her arms around his neck, planting an exasperated kiss on his cheek as he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist before spinning once and setting her back on solid ground, "Now would you be a dear and tell me what you've done to poor Mojo here? He hasn't even run away yet."

It was true, normally Mojo would have run to the hills at their play flirting, but he had yet to move. "Isn't he just adorable?" She asked her husband, hands clasped together like when she was a little girl, Mojo was always fun to dress up for her. "Yes," he says cautiously and slightly exasperated, "but does he need four ears?"

"Oh hush. It suits him." She says fondly.

Much to his and Mojo's relief the ears started to slip off, falling to the ground with a light thud. "Well, now he has two." Deciding to help Mojo, Ron bent down and started to take off the clothes and accessories for the poor dog, "I don't know how you can deal with her dress up" Ron mumbled to Mojo.

'Me too, Ron. Me too. But it does help she does it moderately.'

"What was that?"

"Nothing." 'Nothing.' They both chorused as Ron finally got that god awful pink shirt off of him.

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