Just Say It, Just Own It, Just Say: "I am a Dirt Bag"

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It was such a beautiful morning, quiet, fresh, not a cloud in the sky.

Painting a picture perfect moment that could go down in history. Everyone could easily agree nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin such—


Well, almost nothing as the birds, startled, took immediate flight to avoid the savage man snarling in a deadly voice, not caring if he woke up the whole world.

His lawn! His most precious, precious lawn!

His once perfect lawn, now littered with dirt holes everywhere! He nearly fainted in rage when he saw a weed had been fucking planted! A. Fucking. WEED!


Said dog was peacefully napping on a sleeping Sam's chest. Well, Sam was sleeping but the screeching of his so called father had woken him up. He looked down to the sleeping dog and mumbled, "What did you do?"

He was answered with a cute sniff and the turn of Mojo's head snuggling into his chest before letting out gentle, even breaths, completely undisturbed.


The house would have fallen if it wasn't so well structured.

'Any higher,' Sam mused, ' and his window could shatter.' He could hear the sudden pitter patter of footsteps, a sure sign of his mother rushing down the stairs and out the door.

Much to his surprise, after a bout of silence, he heard her laugh, hysterically. It was no wonder they rarely get trick-or-treaters for Halloween, not that he minded.

He got more candy.

"What" his mother said between gasps. "What did you do?"

"What did I do? What did I DO!? What do you mean 'What did I do!?' I. Did. Nothing! It was that bastard of a beast! My! Grass!!! My Perfect Grass!!"

There was no way he was going to miss this.

He had set Mojo gently on his bed and rushed to go through the door to see first hand what on Earth could cause his father's out burst.

Ron was red faced, with nearly blue lips as he continued to rant and rave while his mother was smiling and laughing, only setting his dad off even more.

What he saw made it extremely hard to fight down the smile forming. Biting his lips to keep from laughing especially when his mom chuckled in amusement, "Yes, dear. I asked what you did. You know Mojo doesn't do things without a reason."

"But-but, my lawn! Judy, the lawn!" He whined.

She just gave him the look, which caused Ron to sputter indignantly, his mouth agape as his finger fell to his side lifelessly.

"Is it because of the Porsche dealership?" Sam helpfully piped in, finally losing the battle and grinning, not in the least bit guilty.

Ron had the decency to sputter, "B-bu-but-but that was a Joke! That's all! Just a joke!"

That earned him a reprimanding glare from his wife, "Ron." 

Her voice dangerously low.

"You know how protective Mojo is." She shook her head in mock disappointment, "I'd say you deserve it. Besides..." she turned to her garden, "he weeded the garden for me, isn't he just the sweetest?" She smiled cheerfully only to be answered by a very girly scream of frustration.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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