Chapter 1

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~ Brae ~ 9:09 am

        "Wakey, Wakey Brae!" I groaned, at this loud obnoxious voice. My head was pounding and all I wanted to do was burrow further down into my luxurious sheets, but I knew this was not the case. Even being lazy I knew I had to get up.

        "Brae, seriously fricking get up dude," Serena, my best friend said, I just huffed and swung out of bed.

        "You seriously couldn't have made me pancakes or anything?" I grumbled.         

        "Don't be silly- you know you don't even like pancakes." Serena retorted. That was a given, and she knew it. I smiled and as I stood up, wacking her on the head just to rumple up her gorgeous amber locks. 

        "Braeeeee," she whined as I stuck my tongue out.

        "Stop distracting me Serena! It is 9:12 and I have to leave at 9:45 and I'm not even ready yet!" I screeched trying to locate the outfit I was going to wear today. I heard Serena sigh and grumble something incoherent under her breath as I paced into the walk-in closet. Shifting through the racks I found a pair of high waisted floral flowy shorts, a white lacey tank top that could be tucked into the shorts, a gray knit cardigan, and my white converse. I had taken a shower last night, so all I had to do was do a quick perfume shower. 

        After changing and a couple spritz'es of perfume later, I walked into my bathroom. I did some light make-up and combed through my wavy dirty blonde locks.

        9:40. I grinned knowing I was going to have time to stop at Starbucks. I grabbed my purse and phone and skipped out the door screaming a "See ya later!" to my roomie and best friend. 

        Getting into the parking lot of  our apartment calmed me down, and reminded me of my job. That's right, I was going to find out who I was getting assigned too. I was a prodigy. That kind of sounds really condescending and everything, but that's what I have been told on numerous occasions, heck! Even the president has said it. 

        I am a bodyguard. It's what I do, I protect important people, it's my ability, because bad guys don't see it coming. I'm short and a girl. I'm also only 18, so I definitely don't come off menacing, but I can kick some serious butt when I want too. 

        I was surprised about  my orders though, I was too dress normally, without any weapons on me whatsoever. This kind of put me in an all time high alert- I always had something up my sleeve. I was also going to this place that was a music label company. It's kind of dissappointing because I wanna be up in the big league's like protecting UN ambassadors and stuff, but this will look good on my resume.

        I hurriedly crossed the parking lot and got to my baby. My baby was a black jeep. It's my favorite thing in the whole entire world, besides maybe my favorite band. 

        Climbing into the car, I sat there for a little while plugging in my phone to pull up the directions to this music label company and putting in the audio cable so I could blast those tunes!

        9:43. Still time to go to Starbucks. I turned the engine on, driving to Starbucks and blasting One Direction's new album Four (with an underline)! Jamming to Clouds, I pulled up to the window at Starbucks, somewhere in the drive there, I had put on my black Raybans, so when I got to the drive thru window I pulled them down, ya know to see if it could be a cute guy or not.. sadly it wasn't but that's okay! I got my drink and continued on my way to this place.

        9:55. I pulled into the parking lot. I pulled down the shade to look in the mirror. I needed to apply a little more clear gloss. So, naturally, I did that. Killing the engine, I climbed out of my car after unplugging my phone and grabbing my bag. Drink in hand, I was ready to kill this meeting.

        9:57. I pulled open the door of this building and was met with the cool air of the building. I walked to the receptionist desk and cleared my throat. The receptionist looked me up and down, clearly in disdain.

        "Now, who are you?" the snobbish voice filled the air.

        "Brae, Brae Silver" the lie resonated off my lips, "I'm here to see a Mr. Magerie, is that correct?" the woman looked down at her computer and her whole persona changed.

        "Right this way, Ms. Silver, I'm so sorry I acted that way when we first spoke, but from the way you looked, you just looked a lot like these crazy fan girls!" she exclaimed.

        "Oh, no worries!" I smiled, in a state of confusion. I was very mad at myself. My lie of my last name was not even subpar. If it was a highly trained individiual I would have been toast.. I had paused three fourths of a second too long and any expert would have noticed right away. 

        I followed this unknown lady into an elevator, where she pressed the button to the third floor. We waited in utter quietness until the elevator dinged. I waited for her to make the first move of  stepping off.. but she doesn't.

        " Once you step off the elevator, turn right and continue down the hallway. Second doorway on the right." I nodded my head and sent my thanks towards the girl. Stepping out, I remembered that my Raybans were still perched on top of my head. I quickly yanked them off my head, smoothing my hair with my other free hand. Counting the doorways in my head, I found my door.

        9:59 am. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door....


Cliffhanger I know!!! Please don't kill me! 

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