Chapter 2

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        ~ 10:00 am ~

        The door opened quickly. I felt my palms begin to sweat in nervous perspiration. I wiped them         quickly on my floral shorts and took in my surroundings. 

        There was minimal decorations on the walls, this rectangular 15 by 19 foot room felt cold, icy gray walls, and hardwood floors. The table in this room was obviously the most important thing. There were 10 seats 4 on each side, and 2 on the opposite head sides. 

        Two men in suits were right in front of me, hands extended out, waiting for a handshake.

        I stuck out my hand and smiled, shaking my hand with the first man and said, "Hi, sirs, I am Brae Silver-" I was cut off by the second man.

        "We know who you are," there was an awkward pause where they both chuckled, and I smiled uncomfortably, " we would just like to thank you again, for volunteering to work for us, and must we say, you are going very far in life and you are already eighteen, that's wonderful!"

        I smiled, because finally this was a topic I knew very well..

        "Thank you so much.." I trailed off waiting to be introduced properly so I knew their names.. "OH! I'm sorry Ms. Silver, I am Mr. Magerie and this is my partner, Mr. Rodman," the men smiled as I nodded, "oh please have a seat on the right side of the table in any of those chairs"

        "Okay," I said agreeably and ambled over. 

        After being seated, Mr. Magerie picked up a briefcase and unsnapped it. "These are the details about your job, salary, and all that good stuff.. I will just give you an overview of it," my eyes scanned the page looking to pick out any certain details, but this looked like too much lawyery stuff, "so you will be protecting 5 Seconds of Summer" my mouth dropped open and I quickly looked up, feeling as if I had just gotten crick in my neck. The pen Mr. Rodman had given me also fell out of my hand. I blushed at my reaction.

        "I am so sorry! My reaction was not appropriate and was very uncalled for." They both chuckled at me as I smiled sheepishly, "anyway, there has been a threat placed against them, especially the lead singer, Luke Hemmings" I looked up once more in shock, who would even these boys even be a threat too? "So, this group of terrorists is called SSTAB, that is short for Stop Singers that are Bad. I know it's a lame name, but we believe that the deaths of John Lennon and other famous assassinations of famous singers can be linked to this group." 

        I nodded, slowly starting to get really excited about this case.. I know I shouldn't be excited about the fact that somebody wanted to kill them, but hey, this would look  good on my resume..

        "So, we have picked you to protect them because you are not what these people would be expecting as a bodyguard. You look small, fragile, and not big or burly like normal security guards. You can easily blend in... catch them by surprise... so you will be going on the 'Rock Out With Your Socks' Tour. You will be around them at all times, you will sleep in their bus and basically be attached at the hip" my inner fan girl dreams were coming out, "and your cost of living will be taken care of, especially plane tickets. Now, transitioning onto salary and paycheck wise, every week you will get a $3,000 pay check. You will get one day off each week, but just remember you  will still be surrounded by the other security team, but they will do their job from a far this is all you. Do you think you can do this?"

        My head was spinning at all of this information I had just learned. $3,000 a week? Man, that's crazy! I nodded and gave a smile, "I'm in, I believe I can do this." I felt a head rush of determination.

        "Great!" Mr. Magerie and Mr. Rodman both had relief and their smiles. "Please sign the contract, wait! I forgot to talk about the dress code and the weapons you can use." I grinned, I loved weapons, not in a sadistic way though... " the outfit you are wearing is good, and you can have a gun, but we want it to be small, but anything else, we will equip you with it." 

        My pen was picked up and with a quick flourish, I quickly signed the first contract, the second, third, and fourth, were also quickly signed. I sighed in happiness as I set down the pen. 

        "Great! You will start tomorrow by moving in with the boys in their house in LA... and just for security measures, which I'm sure you don't have any Twitters or Instagrams right?" I sighed, "Yes, I do, but they give no mention to what I do, all of the location services are off,-" "Oh, right!" Mr. Rodman laughed, "I keep forgetting that you are basically a child prodigy. I smiled in acknowledgment of this statement.

        ~10:45 am~ I wanted to leave this place, I had to call my parents, talk to Serena about rent and everything, and all of that jazz, and packing! I also needed to go shopping to get some nicer clothes since I was going to be surrounded by 5SOS and didn't want to look like a slob! 

        "Am I allowed to leave now?" I asked cautiously, since these men were my  new bosses, and I didn't want to upset them.

        "No, I'm sorry Ms. Silver," Mr. Rodman replied, "we are waiting for these darn boys. Speaking of those boys, you need their numbers right away, here you go," I was handed a list of numbers that I quickly took, I freaking had 5SOS numbers now, Oh my god! The inner fangirl inside me was dying.

        ~11:03 am~ Eighteen minutes of silence, silence that was so quiet it was deafening.

        "Excuse Ms. Silver, I am going to call them and see where they are, you better keep them on time, next time we are supposed to meet," Mr. Magarie said, the joke was laced lightly with a threat and there was no way on Earth, I would have ever been able to ignore that jibe. He stepped out of the room to obviously make a phone call.

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