Chapter 7: *5 Years Later...*

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((As promised..... Chapter 7! And Another thing, the ending sucks for this because it is going to be a two parter soooo yeah, there's going to be another chapter XD be happy! I may post it tomorrow or the day after that but It'll be posted here soon because It's going to be fluff, heart touching-ness mixed with sadness and more fluff so it's going to be fun to write.
Just as the title implies.... This is 5 years after America's death and Japan is happily with someone... You'll just have to read to see who it is... Even if the picture is a dead give away....
So Enjoy!))

Japan slept soundly till he was woken up by small dainty hands snaking around his bare chest, pulling him in close for a hug. He shifted in the arms which he earned a girly giggle from the other being. "Wake up sleepy head. It's time to get up." Said the pair of arms.

"Mmmm- Amelia, not right now. Let's sleep in." Japan said, protesting to what the girl said.

"Awwwww- Come on! It was fun last night and we took turns. Besides, we were slow, at first, like you wanted so you owe me." Amelia purred as she kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck.

"Then we were rough like you wanted for the last half so you owe me." He said as a small smile grew on his lips.

"You enjoyed it." She whined softly as she kept nuzzling him, hoping to wake him more before speaking again. "We didn't use a lot of energy last night for we didn't stay up all night having fun like we did last week.... Twice." She said with a small sheepish smile.

Japan chuckled at her, a blush forming on his cheeks as he felt her bare chest press to his back. "Okay! Okay. We'll get up then." He said as he sat up and grabbed a layer of kimono that was next to him before standing and slipped it on, feeling her sky blue eyes on him to watch his every move.

"Have I ever told you, you have a nice ass, Kiku? So round and squishy-looking." Amelia said as she covered her naked body with the sheet but in the most seductive way.

Japan blushed more at her random comment, even though he was expecting this. "You have, multiple times." The nation said as he tied a loose bow around his waist to keep his kimono closed, giving her the other layer of kimono by laying it next to her.

"It never gets old though.... It's just so cute and round.... Firm but squishy!" Amelia continued as she turned on her back an made circular and squeezing motions with her hands in the air above her.

"Just like your chest and your ass?" Japan teased as he walked out of their bedroom. As he walked out he heard a 'hey!' come from his lover which made him smile.

When he reached the kitchen he looked down and saw Tama, Pochi, and Americat sitting at his feet, their eyes shining with joy, happiness, and love. Japan bent down and pet the animals, earning a purr from the cats and small bark from Pochi for his deed. "Good morning to you three too." He said as he fed them, washed his hands and began to make breakfast for him and Amelia. As he did, he thought to himself like he did any other time he had alone to himself.

It's been 4, now 5 years today since Alfred-kun has been gone and Amelia-kun had 'taken his place' as America. As I promised myself, I vowed to protect the new America with my life, and I'm fulfilling that happily. We are happily going out and living together at my house but we go to her house, and the states, for meetings or vacations sometime. We've been going out for 3 of those 5 years. I expect to propose to her soon in the next month or so for I wish to spend the rest of my life with her and not have her be ever left alone like I left Alfred alone. I hope Alfred is proud of my choices and is smiling at me now....

Japan sighed and looked down to see Americat looking at him with a wide, noticeable, happy smile. Japan nodded and smiled back, he then felt the same dainty hands, that hugged him before, wrap around his waist and held him close as he cooked.

"I love you, Kiku.... I really do, and thank you for everything that you have done for me since I came." The female America said as she hugged him tighter before loosing her grip

"I love you too Amelia and I thank you for not leaving me since the day you came." Japan replayed with a small joke intended for if he remembered it correctly, to what other Countries said, he was being really over protective of the new America when she arrived and pretty much made her go out with him on dates but slowly he lessened and returned to his normal self but, of course, the change that Alfred caused him stuck. The change of expressing his feeling more to the people he loves and cares about instead of bottling them up 24/7 and till it's too late.

When breakfast was done, both sat down and ate. As they ate, they talked about their plans today since there was no work this whole week.

Amelia was planning on going to the hair salon for she kept complaining her golden curly yet wavy locks were too long so she 'has' to go get them trimmed then she was hoping Kiku and her could go and see a movie together and maybe spend the whole day together, like everyday.

People would say you would get sick of your lover after a while but if you have a perfect love like theirs. You could act like a old married couple and treat each other like a best friend.

Japan agreed to her plans but reminded her what day it was.


Everything suddenly grew quiet.

"O-Okay. Are you going to go see him at sunset with a bouquet of roses like you usually do?" She asked in a awkward tone. Amelia didn't mind talking about the male America's death. She knew everything about it for it felt like it happened to her but she just got brought back to life but she knew it was a touchy topic to Japan so she never really says anything and when he brings it up... It's just completely awkward, even though he tells her, countless times, 'it's fine.'

The Asian nation nodded before speaking in a quiet voice. "Twelve red roses on his grave at exactly 4 O'clock, sunset."

She nodded as well and continued to eat, speeding up slightly so she could get out of the situation of forcing Japan to talk about him and how he felt but.... It started anyway.

"You and Alfred-kun would have so much in common." He said softly.

Amelia sighed. "I know, Kiku. We do much of the same thing.... That's why his love stuck around and filled me when he left..."

Japan smiled sadly. "Yeah."

"Let me take your plate. I'll do dishes." Amelia said as she quickly stood, picking up her and Japan's plate before sneaking off to the kitchen.

Japan tried to stop her for it would be considered rude but, some how, she slipped passed him. He grunted teasingly before going after her and began to tickle her sides so she would hopefully back away from the sink.

Amelia laughed and dropped to her knees to hopefully escape his hands but made sure to keep her hands at least above the sink.

Japan didn't light up for instead, he dragged her out of the kitchen and laid her in the doorway of the dining room and the kitchen before hopping over his lover and making a recovery of the sink, taking over what a Amelia was doing. "Don't mess with me and get ready for you hair appointment." He laughed.

Amelia's chest rose and fell rapidly as she laughed as well, "You're mean!" She yelled, pouting in the most cutest way, or to what Japan thought, before she stood and left to their room to get ready like Japan had said.

"That's why you love me!" He said back to her comment. He figured that when she's gone, he could clean the house for he hasn't done it in a while because.... Well.... He was always sidetracked with her.

When both were done, Amelia getting dressed in normal clothes, and not Japan's other half of his kimono, and Japan doing the dishes, they kissed and said their goodbyes, promising their safe return to each other so they can spend the rest of the day together as planned.... or at least until sunset.

((Yeah, I know sucky ending but the next one will be.... Hopefully better. Since Fem!America has many, many names(mainly two... Emily and Amelia) I chose my favorite.... Reason why is because I think Fem!America/Amelia would be a good name for her because she would be named after Amelia Mary Earhart(the First American Lady pilot who flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean for those who don't know who that is.) so......... It makes sense. Okay... I'll stop now. Bye-bye till tomorrow or something!))

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