Testimony 3: Travelling With No Money

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How I Lived for 4 days and Travelled Without a Single Peso
By: Mae Ann Neri
a.k.a. heaven-bound
North Cotabato, Philippines

Have you ever tried living (had food and water for 4 days) and even travelled on the weekend in a bus ride without a single peso coin on your name? I suppose to America, that's a penny. The point is, I survived 4 days and travelled in a bus without a single money in my wallet. And in those four days, I even ate three times a day with good food!

The thing is, no one knows I am in this state until it passed and my mother was able to send me some money for allowance for the next two weeks. So, no one should be able to help me. But the experience had been amazing. It was incredible even. I hope you're interested because I'm excited to tell the story.

Well, let me tell you why I had no money in the first place. 😂😂

I don't consider my family as rich. In fact, dad always tells us over and over again that we are not rich. We are simply just fine. You know, living okay. Cannot buy very expensive stuff like cars but not struggling that we can't eat three times a day either. Truth is I'm not complaining. I'm not a very materialistic person. Very few material things please me. So I suppose it was good. But my family is not exactly that harmonious. But we're not a family that deals drugs and fights every now and then. You can say my family is very mediocre. And very satisfying and great. 😊😊

Now I'm a college student. Living in my own for three years already. But college is a little different because in my senior and junior years, I'm living in a dormitory so the food is provided already. This time in college, well it was not the case. Your money basically balances on your choices. Good thing that I refuse meat as much as possible. Aside from that, school fees including workbook, trip fare, unexpected photocopies of handouts and lab works, event fees, and many other miscellaneous fees are deducted from my already limited allowance.

And, I always return 10% (sometimes more) of the allowance I receive to the Lord. After all, it was His money He gave to me in the first place. (Will post about tithing and why we do it soon).

But at this particular week, to be accurate it was December 11-13, 2018, there were a lot of events in the department, a lot of fee to pay in certain subjects, and many things I needed to pay for compliance. So, as a student would I paid all of them. I didn't expect to run out though.

By the time I paid every fee and was clear of trouble, it left me Php25 in my wallet (half a dollar). Usually I call my mother and ask for more allowance. After a little explanation and proof (she requires an expense report. LMAO 😂😂), she will deliver the money I needed. This time however, was one of those few (recent) rough times in the family. My mother and I had a big fight. She still talks to me. But she refused to give me money.

So, the good child I am, I didn't oppose. I didn't talked back at her and just accepted that she was still mad at me for something I did that was wrong to her but very right to me.

It was Thursday that time. I had to live with 25 pesos until my mother decided to give me money. At that time, I wasn't sure when. I assumed she will by the next weekend which means I need to live and get by for the next 11 days. So now, what can I do with Php25?

Nothing I tell you. Fare to school costs Php7 therefore go to school and back to the dorm costs Php14. Where does that leave me? That's right, Php11. And the full meal there costs Php25 so yes, I suppose I should've starved.

But then, let me tell you how sweet it is to simply trust in God and claim His promises. Just trust Him that He got you covered. You see, man can't be trusted. But God can. He is not fickle. He keeps His promises. He is faithful.

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