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Time passed and what felt like days was only hours. The sleeping boy tossed and turned within the thick bed sheets unable to rest peacefully. His face contorted in pain and there was a thick red substance oozing from his wrists as the harsh material of the ropes pierced the milky white skin. 

The cold hearted monster towered over the restless being, a familiar menacing smirk present on his face as he watched the boy struggle. Bringing his hand up to brush against the cold skin of the man laying before him, he gently stroked his cheek, wiping away any residue of tears that still remained. His thumb made it's way across the boys exposed neck, slowly caressing the sweet spot  that so frequently caused the body to arch uncontrollably beneath him. 

"I can't let you go." Jeon whispered with a slight teasing tone in his voice. "I can't replace this feeling." His lips grazed the silvered haired man's ear as he spoke. "I could never replace you." 

Jimin cried out in pain as the man dug his teeth into the delicate and already sensitive, bruised skin. Pulling at the ropes, tightened around his wrists, his eyes shot open and his body retracted further into the warmth of the sheets. Blood poured from the wounds on his arms but he could no longer feel any pain. His small helpless figure was numb, his mind filled with darkness, with fear. 

"S-stop." His hoarse, strained voice begged. 

"Ssshh my darling...just relax. " Jungkook mumbled.

"S-stop. Stay the hell away from me." Jimin cried. "P-please s-stop." 

"How can I stop when you just look so beautiful squirming underneath me?" Jeon paused, looking directly into the soft orbs of the fearful man. "You are hurt. You are in pain and I'm sure you don't have much energy left. Pulling at the ropes will only make the pain worse sweetheart." 

Jimin groaned but his voice barely came out, it was almost as though his vocal cords had shut down. His body was still fighting, still trying to break free from the hold that held him so tightly. The man towered over him, asserting his dominance, nothing but amusement in his eyes as he watched the boy gripping at the restraints and desperately trying to escape. 

"Jimin-ah please stop before you hurt yourself more." Jungkook stated, running his hands through the boys fluffy hair. "Jimin-ah stop before I really do loose control." 

He was not about to loose control. Jeon Jungkook was not about to loose control because he had already lost it. The minute he saw the silver haired man sobbing in the middle of the kitchen floor with a knife in his hand, threatening the man's authority over him, he lost control. Once control was lost it was practically impossible to get it back. He struggled to remain calm, all he wanted in this moment was to rip the young man's clothing off his already damaged body and show him what it meant to be really dominated. 

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." The younger man cried, small sobs escaping his lips. 

"You wish you hated me." 

"I do. I hate you. I hate you so much." 

Jungkook couldn't help but laugh as the man tried to sound confident with his words, the only thing that was apparent was the realization that this boy could never hate the monster in front of him, even if he really, really wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to hate the man. Jungkook found a small sense of comfort knowing even after everything that happened Jimin did not and could not ever hate him. Hovering over the small figure Jungkook whispered delicately in the man's ear, gently tugging at the ropes in order to set him free.

"Love does wonderful things to the mind Jimin-ah, no matter how much you try to hate me...deep down we both know you love me." 

Jimin would never admit it, not to himself and sure as hell not to the man standing in front of him. Not to the man that constantly caused him pain, constantly pushing his boundaries and testing him limits. He would never admit that there was a part of him that wanted to be controlled, to be dominated to the fullest. He was not a man who submitted. He was not a man who gave up and he was certainly not a man who admitted defeat. Jimin was a man who stood tall, stood strong and fought hard. 

"You will never have me." Jimin stated. 

"Hmmmm." Jungkook smiled. "I already do have you." 

The only sound that could be heard within the unfamiliar room were the cries of the small man, screams echoed throughout the house, ear piercing yells of agony. Jeon poured more of the cleansing substance onto the boys injured wrists, more cries could be heard as the anti-septic penetrated into the wounds. Jimin's body wriggled under him and the desperation within him was evident. Jungkook held onto his arms, gently rubbing the fluid against the broken skin before strapping each wrist with a soft white bandage. 

"Ssshhhh're okay. You're okay Jimin baby. I promise." Jungkook engulfed the body into his warm embrace, tears staining his dark shirt as the boy continued to sob. 

"P-please. N-no more." Jimin sobbed. "No more." 

Jeon ran his hands across the younger's face, wiping away the tears that were still cascading down his swollen cheeks. There was no strength present in the man's eyes, no confidence, no flare. There was only sadness. Sadness and fear. 

"Are you going to behave for me?" 

As soon as the words left his mouth, the boy tensed and Jeon could feel the stiffness. He held the body as close to his own as possible, hands tightened around the tiny waist, head resting on the boys shoulder and he tried to lessen the almost suffocating atmosphere. The small boy nodded his head never once looking at the man. 

"I can't hear you baby?" Jeon growled, causing the man to jump. 

"Y-yes." He whispered, it was almost impossible to hear his voice. 

"Do you promise to be a good boy for me?" 

Jimin finally looked up at the man, his eyes staring into the lustful orbs of the monster. He blinked a couple of times, slowly reaching up to rub his sore eyes. 

"W-where are we?" He questioned, finally taking the time to look around the room. 

The bedroom wasn't dark, it was in fact, decorated with natural colors, the walls were white, the floors were a natural shade of hardwood. This was not the room Jimin was used to, this was not the house Jimin had woken up in, many times before now. There was a different aura about this place, a quiet, more peaceful atmosphere that felt calming.  

"Do you promise?" 

"I-I" The boy paused.

 Realization struck, this house wasn't totally unfamiliar. Jimin was sure he had been here at least one time before. He remembered walking into that specific bedroom, he remembered the smile that was plastered on his face as he admired the view from the bay windows. All color had now drained from his face as he realized they were no longer in the city. They weren't even close to the city. They weren't close to anything, in fact, it was safe to say they were in the middle of nowhere, with no one and nothing around them. 

"You can leave if you want...I doubt you'll get very far without having to turn back." Jungkook chuckled as if reading the boy's mind. 

"I promise." Jimin whispered. 

He promised to be good. To follow the rules. To never step out of line. He promised himself, he would get out of there. He would survive.  


Proof Read <3

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