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There is never a right or wrong answer when it comes to loving someone. Many people think that love is blind and maybe it is- just maybe you might finding yourself hating someone so much that eventually that hatred manifests into love. Jimin hated the man that had caused him so much pain but in the midst of the hate he found himself loving the pleasure, so maybe Jimin could say he fell in love with the monster and what if that was the truth.

Love does not always conquer and sometimes in order to live without regret you must love with consequence and sometimes simply just loving someone will never be enough. The silver haired boy loved this man with all of his heart but it was the kind of love that would never be reciprocated. The monster cared and he cared a great deal about the boy but at the end of the day he did not care enough to love.

One sided love is always the most hurtful and the most damaging and innthe case of Park Jimin he struggled with the thoughts of loving the monster unconditionally without ever receiving an once of love back. Letting go of our own feelings is one of the biggest consequences of love but loosing yourself in the process hurts the most. Jimin had found himself wondering who he once was. Where was the successful business man, running his own clothing line who spent his free time peacefully in the dance studio. Where was the man that never gave up, that refused to give in? The boy didn't know who he was Amy,ore and he had no idea who he wanted to be.

There was a plan than had been put into place. Namjoon and Jin had created a masterpiece that would allow the silver haired beauty to run free. They were planning to smuggle the male out of the building during one of their many scheduled appointments, they would make it look like Jimin had simply managed to disappear but the boy wasn't stupid and he knew the monster wasn't either. He was sure the older male would catch on a lot faster than the other men anticipated and it was for the safety of Jin and Namjoon that the boy found himself executing his own plan. This was his own mess and he gad no intention of making it anyone else's.

The silver haired man was sitting in the drivers seat of the car, hands shaking with sweat dripping down hus forehead, the other male was knocked out inside the lake house. Jimin had smacked him over the head with a rusty copper pole. Usually, the older male would not have hesitated to hurt the boy but Jimin was confident he would never hurt the baby and it was in this confidence that he found himself sitting in the drivers seat of the vehicle driving through the woods.

Many decisions had been made on his behalf and for the past couple of mouths he had allowed other people to dictate his fate but in that moment he felt in control of his own destiny.

You can do this Jimin. You can make it out of here and survive. Jimin whispered these words to himself as he drove towards the main road. The car came to a halt as he reached the old wooden bridge. Once he crossed the bridge, he would be one step closer to freedom. And the freedom to choose was the only thing he ever wanted.


The darkened figure of the devil was standing at the other end of the bridge, the boy did not know how he got there, all he knew was that this man would nit give up without a fight. Glancing down at his ever growing baby bump, Jimin rubbed his stomach. Quiet sobs escaping his lips as the stared at the man in front of him.

In love, there is consequence but there is also, sacrifice and sometimes you must create sacrifice in order to save love. It is true that loving someone without regret, unconditionally isn't always enough but its also, true that people don't always realise how precious their love is until that love is gone.

Jimin was not that kind if man who gave in, he was not the kind of man who was controlled but he was the kind of man who loved without regret and he loved unconditionally, even when that love is one sided. The boy did not make decisions based on emotion, he made decisions based on the philosophy that no matter what choice he made the outcome would be better.

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