Chapter Five

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You growled and stood in front of the team as Strata glared crazily at you all. Foreign red eyes shone through his glasses and a twisted grin sat on his face.

"Strata?" Asked Dan.

Strata chuckled and reared his arm back. "Bakugan Brawl!" He yelled and rolled out. You quickly rushed your team outside and guards ran with you.

You watched as an Aquos Krakelios, Haos Scorporos and a Darkus Scorporos appeared. They crushed the theater. 《Good thing we weren't in there...》 you thought.

"This is bad." Benton calmly stated. 《No shit sherlock》

"Bakugan Brawl!" You heard Dan yell and he sent Drago out. Shun and Wynton followed suit. You wish you could as well but that would be problematic.

Drago, Fade Ninja and Lupitheon raged into battle, stopping Strata's Bakugan from destroying the area.

"How will they stop them?" Lia gasped. You smiled. "They will."

Lightning barked, alerting you to Strata, who was running at you. Benton pushed you behind him as Strata jumped. With a harsh kick in the stomach from Benton, Strata fell to the ground in pain.

The kids gasped in surprise. Your eyes lit up with a sparkle. That was amazing.

Strata slowly stumbled up from the ground before standing up and yelling. You could hear the Bakugan trying to talk some sense into their crazed brethren.

You had the chance to step back and observe Strata's erratic behavior. The glowing red eyes seemed familiar and he gave off an unsettling feeling. Almost as if...almost as if...

"Oof!" You gasped as Strata kicked you to the ground. Why was he attacking you specifically. Again, Benton grabbed Strata and punched him in the stomach, sending him flying. At the same moment, the Awesome Ones had taken down the crazed Bakugan.

You sighed and got up off the ground. "He won't be getting up any time soon." Benton grumbled. He was right, Strata looked like he was out cold.

"I wonder what that was all about, oh..." Dan awkwardly stood there. "What?" "Uh, we kinda destroyed this old theater." Dan and the brawlers looked quite worried as they motioned at the now destroyed building. Benton shook his head. "Don't worry about that. This park is owned by Dusk Industries!" He reassured them. As he explained, you stood, staring at the fire works and freaking out about the moving machines.

The brawlers gasped and started yelling about how that was so cool. Suddenly, a yell from behind startled you.

Strata grabbed your arm and flung you back. Benton quickly turned and shot something at the crazed man. A crystal like formation quickly covered him and he dropped to the ground. You groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing your back. It was just your luck to fall on top of a rock. Leo growled and slowly made his way to you, "that hurt."

Axe sat a few meters away. He struggled to jump back to his feet. You quickly reached and grabbed him, gently placing him back in your pocket.

"Are you okay?" Benton asked and you nodded. He offered a hand but you ignored it and stood up. Your action made him frown. You were being too soft. You shouldn't be accepting help for some simple thing as standing up. That would make you weak, right?

Lost [Benton Dusk x Reader] OLD//REWRITING Where stories live. Discover now