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About 15 minutes later, McGonagall entered the Leaky Cauldron.

"We have certain things to discuss" she said sitting down in the booth beside Ria.

"As you must know, the your term at Hogwarts does not start till the first of September. Which means, you've still got a month to spare. Now, you could either leave your school things under the surveillance of Tom, who, I can assure you, will take good care of them. Then you can return to the orphanage and spend another month with your friends...."

Ria liked this idea. She hadn't been glad about having to leave the kids behind so abruptly. And another month would give her ample time to make absolutely certain that her first impression of Mrs. Hans wasn't wrong. But McGonagall was still talking.

"OR. You could stay here at the Leaky Cauldron. There are rooms upstairs which you'd find sufficiently comfortable. You can get food here and you can go into Diagon Alley and explore the new world. You'd be quite safe here but in case you take the decision to stay here, I must ask you to give your word that you wouldn't wander off into the Muggle world alone."

Ria wanted to remind McGonagall that that she'd been going around the Muggle world by herself for four years already. But she didn't want to offend her. So she kept shut about it and instead took a few minutes to think it through. She wanted to go back to the orphanage. But the prospect of a whole month of freedom in the wizarding world, staying amongst her kind, exploring all those shops and people; the inexplicable lure of knowledge and adventure was too hard for her to resist.

"I think I'll stay." Ria said finally looking up at McGonagall.

McGonagall smiled at her.

"Very well then, Miss Greystone. I'll ask Tom to take your things upstairs."

"Oh no, Professor, that won't be necessary. You've helped me a lot already. I'll talk to Tom"

McGonagall gave her another little smile.

"I'll see you at Hogwarts Miss Greystone"
And with that she walked out of the pub.

Ria went up to Tom and explained the circumstances. He seemed pleased at the prospect of having her stay and after having refused to let Ria carry her things upstairs, took them himself and started climbing up a handsome wooden staircase with Ria following him. The staircase ended in a corridor with doors on either side. Tom came to a stop in front of a wooden door with the brass number nine on it.
Tom deposited her things on the soft carpet and handed her the keys.

"If you need anything, little Miss, just ask me", Tom said with a smile.

"Do you happen to have any lunch?", Ria asked suddenly realising how hungry she was.

Tom promised to send some lunch up to her. Once he left, having bowed to Ria, she payed attention to the room. It had a very comfortable looking bed, and highly polished wooden furniture. A cheerful looking fire crackled in the stone fireplace.

Dusk had fallen and Ria didn't much like the idea of going out into an unknown street in the darkness. Wizards seem to have something against Muggle things. Ria had noticed the gas lamps at Diagon Alley and the absence of telephones and fax machines. The lamp light make everything look mysterious.

So, after a hearty brunch and Tom's promise for a equally good dinner, Ria started sorting through her school things and putting them in the wooden wardrobe. Once she was done she closed the door and looked into the mirror. Her hair was still down and the strands would suddenly burn red in the flickering firelight.

"That's some beautiful hair you've got there dear" said the mirror in a deep musical voice.

Ria jumped, tripped over a loose fold of the carpet and fell crashing to the floor.

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