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The smirk on Blondy's face on the following days made Ria want to bodily throw him into the black lake and instruct the water to drown him.
Ron, Harry and Hermione, insisted on spending all their free time in Hagrid's hut trying to reason with him. After the first few tries Ria put her foot down.

"It's no use, Hermione."

"But we have to do something! A few more days and that thing would be as big as his hut!!"

"I know. But you heard him. He won't let it out in the wild. He's too young for that, apparently. And reasoning with Hagrid never works. We need a plan."

"What plan?! What can we do with a dragon??!!"

"Hagrid has lost his marbles", Ron said and sank on an armchair at one corner of the common room with a sigh.

"Charlie!", Harry said suddenly looking at Ron.

"You're losing it, too," said Ron. "I'm Ron, remember?"

"No -- Charlie -- your brother, Charlie. In Romania. Studying dragons. We could send Norbert to him. Charlie can take care of him and then put him back in the wild!"

The three stared at Harry for a while and then Ria smiled slowly.
"Brilliant, Harry. That would work just fine. Now we just have to find a way to hand Norbert over."

"Well.... that's kind of the easiest part isn't it?", Ron asked with a brilliant smile. "We'll bring him to one of the towers and he can be carried away by brooms!"

"Haven't any of you read 'Hogwarts; A History'? You can't Apparate in or out of Hogwarts and neither can you fly in on a broomstick! The boundaries are protected with spells!"

Harry and Ron immediately slumped but Ria gave a brilliant smile.

"You know the thing about magic, Hermione? There's always a loophole! The spells stop people from coming in not from going out."

"And how is that helpful?", Hermione asked with a bit of sass.

"It's simple. Beyond Hogwarts is open fields and mountains. We can tell Charlie to meet us at the back boundary. He doesn't have to cross it."

"Fine. He doesn't come in. We go out and hand Norbert over. Then how do we get back in?"

"Hermione, no one had to cross except Norbert. I can use wind to get his crate over the boundary wall. We can tell Charlie to wait on the other side of the boundary at the Whomping Willows. He can give us a date and time and we'll be good."

The next day the children went over to Hagrid's again.

"Listen Hagrid. We need to send Norbert to Ron's brother, Charlie. He'll take care of him. It's what he's trained to do.", Ria says, once Hagrid had close the dragon inside.

"Ah, well, see Ria, he can't really walk in ter carry Norbert away and there is no way he can enter Hogwarts without someone catching on so..."

"You can't keep him here forever, Hagrid. Malfoy can go to Dumbledore any moment. As for the rest, you can leave that to us. We have a plan."

After going through the plan with Hagrid, they went to the owlery and sent Charlie the letter.

Charlie's reply came after four days. Four of his friends would be coming to get Norbert at midnight on Saturday.

At eleven that night, the four children made their way up to Hagrid's hut. He had Norbert packed and ready in a crate.

"He's got lots o' rats an' some brandy fer the journey," said Hagrid in a muffled voice. "An' I've packed his teddy bear in case he gets lonely. Bye-bye, Norbert!" He sobbed. "Mommy will never forget you!"

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