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"Miss Greystone. I would like to have a word with you." McGonagall stopped Ria after class one Monday.

Ron and Harry left casting her a worried look. Once they were gone, McGonagall closed the door.

"Now, how many people are aware of the fact that you are a Naturakinance?"

Ria was a bit taken aback by this question.
"Well....Ron and Harry know about it because I have told them. Hermione Granger and Neville might. I have controlled wind in front of them once."
"By mistake", Ria added quickly noting the look of disapproval in McGonagall's face. "But I hardly think they noticed. Neither of them questioned me about it later."
"Then you know about it", Ria continued. "Mrs. Haans knows and Professor Flitwick. Hagrid knows. And of course Professor Dumbledore. No one else, I guess."

"Very well. Now, Professor Dumbledore has instructed me to suggest you to keep this ability a secret. For the time being. Tell your friends to not tell anybody else. The Weasley family has to be let in at some point but that is our concern. No other student should know about this ability of yours. At least no one you wouldn't trust with your life. Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes Professor", Ria said. " I wasn't intending on letting people know anyways."

"Very well. Now, for your classes. Are you using the special connection with you wand to do the spells?"

Ria thought for a moment.

"I can do practically anything wih the wand if I can imagine it properly. But for my classes I use the proper way. Like saying the enchantment and doing the wand movement. I know I can do the spells without them but it somehow feels like...cheating. And also it's requires much less effort if I do it the right way once I've got the hang of the spell."

Now McGonagall gave her a small smile.
"You seem to be a responsible girl, Miss Greystone. Do not disappoint me. And now one last question. Have you been exploring your abilities at all?"

Ria thought back. The only time she had consciously used her ability was in the black lake when she had used her connection with water to get information about the life forms inside. She had used wind three times but all of them had been uncontrolled. The last time had been a bit more specific and she thought she would be able to control it if she tried. As for fire and earth, she hadn't tried anything yet.
She told McGonagall the gist of this.
"I want you to try and explore your abilities further Miss Greystone. I am sure you can find some time for doing it. Just think of it as an extra homework. I will speak to you about this again next Monday and I want to hear you've made some progress"

Ria made to walk out but then turned back to ask for one last permission.

Getting out of the Transfiguration classroom. Ria made her way outside the castle. She had been dying to explore her abilities but had only restrained from doing so out of fear that it might land her in trouble. But now that she had permission, she didn't want to wait anymore.

Ria reached Hagrid's hut and knocked at the door. Fang's booming bark echoed from inside and the door opened.
"Oh hello Ria!", Hagrid said smiling at her through his tangled beard. "Everythin' all right?"

"I'm good Hagrid. I was just wondering if you could take me into the forbidden forest. Not deep. Just a little bit. So that we are under cover"

"What is goin' on, Ria? Why do yeh need ter be under cover?"

"I'll tell you on the way" Ria said. Hagrid stared at her for a moment and then shut the door behind him.
As they walked Ria explained about being a Naturakinance, McGonagall telling her to explore her abilities and not letting others know.
"So I can't do it in the ground. Anyone could see me. The forest would give us a nice cover"
They didn't walk deep, just far enough so that the castle wasn't visible through the trees anymore.

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