"Coming" Out

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"Why don't you just come out of the closet?"

Y/N stood frozen, as did Rory.

He did not just say that.

"You know, I think I know why you're so good at tearing everybody else down. It's because you're constantly tearing yourself down, because you can't admit to everybody that you're in love with Santana and she might not love you back. That must hurt, to not be able to admit to everyone how you really feel. You know what I think you are? A coward. See you at the mash-off." He pat her shoulder with a smirk and walked off, knowing that he won this fight, for once. Rory approached the girl. "Listen, I'm sorry, I had no idea he was gonna do that. That was just wrong." Y/N smiled weakly at him with tears in her eyes. "It's not your fault Irish. I have to go." She turned and all but ran to her car. Once inside the vehicle, the dam broke and she began to sob. Once she got herself together, she drove home and went straight to her room without a word to anyone.

Santana sat in class with Mercedes and Kurt waiting for her girlfriend. Once the bell rang, there was no sign of the girl. Santana got super worried and turned to the diva and her friend. "Have you guys seen Y/N?" The duo shook their heads. Kurt whispered "I heard she had a spat with Finn earlier. Rory told me at lunch." Santana felt anger course through her veins. She had a mission after this class: Kill Finn, find Y/N.

Santana, flanked by Brittany and Sugar stormed into the choir room. Finn was sitting at the drumset with Rachel on his lap. "What the actual FUCK is wrong with you Finnept? What did you do to Y/N?" Finn looked scared for a moment but regained his confidence, "I just put some things into perspective for her." Santana glared at him. "Once I find out what you did, it's not gonna be pretty." She ran out and headed to her car. "I gotta get to Y/N."

Santana pulled into the Y/L/N's driveway noticing Y/N's car, breathing a sigh of relief. She all but ran to the front door to be met with Y/N's mom. "Oh, hi Santana. What brings you here?" Santana had to think of an excuse. "Oh, Y/N left early because she was sick and I wanted to check in on her." Her mom smiled. "Oh, that's very kind of you sweetie. Y/N is lucky to have a best friend like you."

Best friend, right.

"She's in her room. I am going out and her dad won't be home from work till late. There's money on the cabinet for pizza or something. Please don't burn down the house." Santana gave her best million dollar smile and watched the woman leave. She rushed up the stairs to her girlfriend's room and the sight inside the room broke her heart. Y/N was on her bed asleep with tear tracks on her face. Santana took her shoes off and slid in the bed behind Y/N, holding her close. She was gonna kill that beached whale.

The song ended as Y/N hopped off the stage. "What did you just say to her?!" Finn looked up at the girl. "I just said you were great." Y/N shook her head. "You're lying." Rachel spoke up. "He literally just said that." "Did you tell her too? Everyone is gonna know now. Because of YOU!" Finn looked confused. "The whole school already knows. And you know what? They don't care." Y/N's anger bubbled like a volcano. "Not just the school you idiot, EVERYONE!"

"What are you talking abo-"


The whole auditorium went silent.

Finn sat shocked, as did Santana.

Y/N ran out of the auditorium in tears, headed to her car, and drove off without a second glance.

Back in the school, Santana turned on Finn. "What the FUCK did you do to my girlfriend Hudson?" Rory stood and blurted out. "He outed her the other day." Everyone looked at Finn shocked. Quinn spoke up. "You did WHAT?!" Rachel turned to her boyfriend. "How could you do that Finn?" Finn yelled back. "She called me fat!" Mercedes spoke next. "Oh. So calling someone fat immeadiately calls for outing them?" Finn sunk in his seat. "You know her parents didn't even know? And because of that stupid commercial, they will. And if anything happens to her, it's YOUR fault." The Glee clubs started to file out as Brittany, Santana, Quinn, Kurt, and Mercedes all grouped up. "We need to get to her house. ASAP." The group came to a consensus to meet at Y/N's house.

Y/N was currently sitting in her living room with her parents as they sat in front of her. "I have to tell you guys something." Her parents looked at her. "Go ahead sweetie." Y/N took a deep breath.

"I'm gay."


Her mom spoke first. "Oh thank God!" Her dad had a look of relief on his face. "I thought you were gonna say you were pregnant." Y/N sat confused. "Wait, what?" Her dad chuckled. " Baby girl, we already knew. You and Santana aren't necessarily discrete." Y/N blushed. "So, you guys aren't mad?" Both adults shook their heads. "Are you happy?" Y/N nodded. "That's all we want honey. For you to be happy." Y/N smiled and hugged her parents when a banging on thier front door began. Her dad, confused, went to open the door and in stormed Santana, Quinn, Brittany, Kurt, and Mercedes. "Listen. I don't care what you think of your daughter and if you have a problem with her, you have a problem with me and I will not hesitate to go ALL Lima Heights and why is everyone laughing?" Y/N approached her girlfriend and planted a kiss on her lips. "They know already. Apparently we aren't discrete." Santana blushed furiously. "Oh.." "And they are okay with it." Santana smile began to grow. "Wait. Really?" She turned to the two adults who nodded. "But please, don't make me have to instill an open door policy Santana." Santana stiffened and shook her head. "Yes Sir, I will behave." Y/N's mom laughed and shook her head. "Is everyone okay with takeout?" Everyone quickly agreed and began to bicker over what to eat. Y/N took in the sight and sighed happily, wrapping her arms around Santana, laying her head on her shoulder.

THIS is her family.

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