Nurse Quinn

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Quinn Fabray had a task at her hands. A task that only she could handle. A task, that men cower in fear at the sound of.

Taking care of her sick girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N.

Now, to other students at McKinley High, Y/N was not to be messed with. She was the captain of the soccer team, had a 4.0 gpa, the school's resident badass. People feared her, especially when it came to Quinn. No one dared messed with Quinn, they knew that if Y/N got word, she would hunt whoever did it down and basically make their lives hell. Quinn loved the protective nature of Y/N because she got turned on every time she got protective.

However, Y/N had a weakness. That weakness?

The common cold turned flu.

The task? Taking Y/N's temperature.

Currently, said badass was hiding under the covers from the head cheerleader who held a thermometer and a tiny cup of liquid DayQuil in her hand with a look of determination on her face. "Y/N. Come out from under the covers." A muffled "no" sounded as Quinn sighed in frustration. "Baby. You have to take this medicine so you can feel better." Y/N peeked her head out from the blanket and Quinn internally awwed at the sight.

The soccer player's usually coiffed hair was flat and messy. Her nose and cheeks were red. This was a side of Y/N she only let Quinn see. Quinn sighed and sat the medicine and thermometer on the nightstand as she sat on the bed. "Baby. As cute as you are right now, you need to take this medicine so you can feel better." Y/N glared at the blonde as best as she could before sneezing and then groaning in pain. "Quinnnnnn. It hurtssss." Quinn sighed and raked her fingers through messy hair. "I know baby but you need to take your medicine so it doesn't hurt."

Y/N sighed defeatedly. She pouted and pulled the blanket away. "Fine. But that medicine is gonna kill me." Quinn smiled at her. "Baby, you're sweating like you just got done playing a full game of soccer. I don't think this medicine is gonna kill you." She picked up the cup of medicine and gave it to Y/N. The soccer player threw it back like a shot and gagged. She reached for the bottle of water and chugged half the bottle. "Ugh. Gross. I hate it." Quinn leaned over and pecked Y/N's warm cheek. "Now, let me take your temperature."

After taking Y/N's temperature, Quinn laid next to her in bed. Y/N laid her head on Quinn's chest as the cheerleader ran her fingers through sweaty hair. "Thank you for taking care of me princess." Quinn smiled and kissed her head. "Of course. That's what I'm here for." Y/N smiled and with the combination of Quinn massaging her scalp and humming, Y/N fell asleep.

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