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"What is all this Im hearing about you going out with Draco?" Jenna shrieked.

"I do not know what youre talking about." I replied lamely. Honestly this whole thing is so tiring. People really dont know what privacy is around here.

"Well, listen to me now. H- l"



"No, Im not listening to you now." I uttered as I began my walk to my car. I am so done with this day.

"Don't you dare walk away from me! Do you know who I am? You will regret this." She screamed from behind me. Turning around, I gave her the finger and smirked. Her face literally turned red as she turned abruptly and stomped away. Such a twat.

Walking into the parking lot, I see Sam clearly standing proudly on all fours which puts a smile on my face. Walking closer, I realize theres someone leaning on my baby but I cant clearly make out this person face. Fueling with anger, I walk faster to see the imposter attacking Sam.

"I am hoping the smile was for me rather than the frown."

I recognize that voice. Finally, I can see the details of the imposter. Draco. What the hell is he even doing here. Without even giving him an answer, I kick hes shins and pull him off Sam as he cradles his leg in pain.

Lowering my voice to sound deadly, I say, "Never, in your pathetic life, lean on Sam ever again."

"Hey, what the hell! And who the hell is Sam. Why are you so violent?" He wails in pain.

"This," I gesture to my car, "is Sam."

"Y-you hit me over a car?! And more importantly, Sam? Who names their car Sam? And by the way she looks more of a Roxie."

"I actually dont remember asking for your opinion so if you could excuse me, I want to go home."

It seems he wasnt affected by any of my threats or death glares cause he resumed his position in front of the driver's seat with an amused smile plastered on his face.

I didnt even bother talking to him anymore, I dug my hand into my school bag to get my keys. Seems I have to result into violence again.

"Looking for these?" he uttered.

Looking up at him I see my car keys along with my home key and room keys dangling on his pinky.

"W-what the hell! How did you even get those!" I questioned as I tried to grab my keys just as he removed them from my reach. Not this again. Not now. Im not in the mood.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I am driving today."


"You heard me." He muttered as he opened the drivers door and got in. I just stood there gaping at this boy. How dare him. How dare him maltreat Sam. Well now I'm more than furious. Yanking the drivers door open, I use all my strength to pull him out but he wouldnt budge. So, I resort to hitting him.

"Get *hit* the *hit* hell *hit* out *hit* of *hit* my car!" I screeched but he just burst into a fit of laughter.

"Stop it *laughs* that *laughs* tickl-ckl-cklessss."

Coming up with a great idea, I lean back and brace myself. A small smirk crawls unto my face.

"What the hell. Why are you smiling?" he asks confusedly as he backs away slowly. I see a small opening and dive in. My fingers work gracefully as I tickle him to make leave.

Him and I (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now