Sofia Carson - Streetlight

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I hide myself under the pillow when the sunlight hit my face. I turned around in bed trying to find a comfortable position, but I just couldn't. Giving up, I got up and searched for my phone, trying to know the time. 7:54.

− Fuck −I said out loud.

Today was my first day at my new work and I had six minutes to get ready and get there. I rushed to my closet and pick a pencil blue skirt, a white tank top and a pair of black heels, brushed my teeth and headed to the cafe down the street. Lucky enough I decided to have a shower last night so I didn't have to do it in the morning.

Back to the cafe, I ordered a cappuccino and waited for ir leaning against the wall. Meanwhile, I decided to check the time and I had 2 minutes left to take my order and run to the building (that normally would take me ten minutes to get there).


What an amazing first impression. I'm alredy smelling that dismissal. My thoughts were interrruped by the barista calling my name to take my drink. I payed for it and rushed out of the door, running as fast as my heels and skirt let me.

I was almost there, when suddenly a streetlight came into my way. As I landed on the floor with my drink spilled over my top I heard laughs around me and someone gasping. Yeah, I would probably laugh too if it wasn't me who tripped. 

− Are you alright miss? −I heard a femenine voice saying.

I looked around trying to find that voice's owner and I saw the most stunning girl I've ever seen. And I was on the floor with my drink all over me. Everything perfect!

− Appart from the fact that my butt hurts, my shirt is covered by coffe and I'm really late to work, everythings alright, thank you for asking −I answered her, and even if it went with sarcasm, it was true.

− Where do you work? −She replied while she extended her hand towards me, so she could help me get up. 

Her skin was so soft. Oh god!

− Over there, in Daccarett S.A.

− Well, in that case, maybe you want to come to my place to change that shirt of yours.

Wait, she didn't heard me when I said I was late to work, right?

− No, thanks, I have to get to my work, it's my first day there and I think I'm a hundred percent sure that I'm already late

− Don't worry, your boss, José Daccarett is my father, I'm sure I can talk to him and tell him to not fire you.

Well, she is the daughter of my boss... Yes, I'm fucked. To the core. 

− My name is Sofia by the way. Now if you can come with me miss... 

− Y/N Y/S. Nice to meet you, Missy Daccarett.


− So you hit yourself against a streetlight when you met her? −My 6 years old daughter asked me with a mixture of disbelief and amusement.

If I were her I would have the exact reaction. Well, maybe after I spend half an hour laughing.

− Yes, she fell for me even without us knowing each other −My wife came out of the kitchen with a bunch of cookies for the three of us.

−The best hit ever.

Sofia just laughed at this, kissing my lips softly.

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