Sofia Carson - Movie

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Every Friday night Dove, Thomas, Sofia, Paulina and I meet to watch movies. Maybe it's a little old fashioned but we don't like to party, so we stay indoors.

Tonight it's Thomas turn to pick the movies we will be watching. And I'm not gonna lie. I'm scared. He has this estrange addiction to horror movies. And of course, my interior kid is scared as fuck.

When I arrive at Clo and Thomas' house, Sofia and Paulina were already there, so I rush to put the snacks I brought in the table. When I turn I discovered that the only free spot in the couch is the one at the corner of it, next to Sofia. I mentally curse and go to cuddle with a blanket, trying not to touch Sofia anywhere.

In that moment, Thomas turned off the lights and hit "play" with a smirk in his face. As the movie begin, I notice how dark it is, and I start to worry, but when the title appear in the screen I just now how fucked up I am: The Ring. One word to describe this: fantastic. It's going to be a long night.

As the film goes by, I discover that it wasn't that scary, at least until that girl come out of the screen. Like, why? Why would you do that? If you are modern enough to make a call, you can drive there. But no! Appearing in the TV is much better. And with that... Pose.

When that shit happen I hide myself under the blankets, but noticing that no one is on my right I decide to also hide in Sofia's shoulder. If seems like a safe place if anything appeared beside me. That's when I feel her arm around my shoulders, bringing me to her. No way! Boy! I'm freaking out, and I don't know if it's because of the scene or her. But I am! And that's what matters, right?

As the movie continues I don't pay any attention, I mean, Sofia's scent is just intoxicating, and I really prefer being lose in her that in a horror film.

Suddenly, the lights turn on, and, to my surprise, that torturous thing called movie had already ended. After mentally high fiving myself, I reluctantly pulled away from the brunette on my side, sitting straight.

− Did you pay any attention to the film, girl? −I hear Thomas saying.

− Of course. I mean, how can I not be interested in a horror movie which best scene is a ghost-girl coming out of a television? That, don't forget, it's very important, knows how to phone someone −Was my answer, which earn various chuckles from the girls.

Thomas just stuck his tongue out to me and goes to clean a little bit with the help of Clo. Turning to my right I discover that Pau is in her phone and Sofia is looking at me.

− You didn't pay any attention, right?

− Of course not. Have you seen that film? I'm not going to be able to sleep in a week!

That and the fact that her scent didn't let me focus. But I wasn't about to tell her that. She just laughs at my answer and puts her hand on my thigh to stabilize herself. Like, was it that funny?

When Clo comes back, she looks at Sofia and I with cuestioning eyes, making me shrug my shoulders. Right as the clock marks midnight we are at their apartment door saying our goodbyes. Pau, Sofia and I go downstairs, until we reach the street, where our cars are parked.

− I'm not going to sleep tonight −Sofia says, making me laugh, because honestly, same girl.

After that movie my mind is screaming for me to go to the light and to not touch my phone ever again.

− Neither do I, I'm just going to be reading until eight in the morning, then I'll provably take a nap, or two −Shaking her head, Sofia laughs with me.

When Paulina enters their car, Sofia turns her body fully towards mine

− Good luck with that book, be safe from the "ghost-girl".

She says, remarking those words, before kissing my cheek and making her way towards her car. Igniting it, both sisters waves her hands as a goodbye. But I was too busy thinking of that kiss.

Yes, I'm probably not going to sleep, but now it's because of that kiss, not that stupid movie. So with a really big smile, I go towards my car to make my way home. A win is a win.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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