Chapter 1: Promotion

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You're just a pilot. You're just a pilot. You need to stay humble. You keep repeating this to yourself, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. This ego boost is way too big. That's the whole point of the ceremony, right? To feel good about yourself? You are being promoted to squad commander, after all.

    You have a few friends at your ceremony with you, mostly other pilot buddies, and your friend who couldn't make it through flight school, Miyka. Of course there was also your closest friend, Jacob. He was with you through flight school and your first 4 years as a pilot, and he was to be your 2nd lieutenant. You were joint at the hip, and would probably be dating, except there's a strict no fraternization rule within units.

    The First Order has a lot of dumb rules like that. They overreact about a lot of things. Well, the commander overreacts about a lot of things. When you were in flight school, one of your pals and Jacob gave you the callsign 'Commander' as a joke. It was them saying how they knew you would be a commanding officer one day, because you showed a lot of promise. Sure enough, here you are today. Although, Commander Kylo Ren did not find it funny. You don't even know how he found out, but he did. He cancelled your entire class' training one day and nearly killed Jacob and you for "disrespecting" him.

    That was the first and only encounter you've had with Kylo Ren. You're terrified to piss him off. You will not make that mistake again. You've seen him kill people for doing a whole lot less than you did. All he did was throw you across the room with the force. You suppose that was a lot, but compared to what he does to other people, you'll take it.

    You hear the doors to the hanger hiss open, and none other than Kylo Ren walks in. You had no idea he was presenting your promotion certificates. This was a big deal. Your eyes trail over his dark figure as two stormtroopers walk besides him, escorting him through the hanger to the ceremony. You stop your gaze on his hands. Would you shake his hand when you get your certificate? You think to yourself. Should you offer? Should you keep them by your side? You don't want to be disrespectful, but you certainly don't want to pass up the opportunity to shake those big, muscular hands. Perhaps to even feel them on your body...

    Your trance comes to a halt as you're called onto the stage by General Hux. You stand on the mark designated for you and listen to him continue on about First Order loyalty, blah blah bah... Wow he's annoying. You roll your eyes just hearing him speak. You see Jacob giggling in his seat. He can tell how bored you are. It's nice to have such a good friend around.

You start to become hot when you realize the big dark figure you were staring at a few moments ago is now hovering behind you. He smells like mint? Chamomile? Something manly, yet soft. Why are you smelling him? That's inappropriate, you think. Wait why are you even able to smell him? He is way too close.

You hesitantly turn your gaze over your shoulder to see the commander inches away from you. You should feel intimidated, terrified. Especially after your last encounter 5 years ago. Yet his presence makes you feel...

"Vera" Your thoughts are interrupted as Kylo Ren addresses you by your first name. It caught you off guard, you haven't been called by your real name in years. You strictly go by your callsign now, "Encore". You wonder how the commander even knew your name.

"Of course I know your name." His low voice practically whispers through the mask. "I had to learn your real name after you tried calling yourself commander those years ago" he elaborates. You begin to say, "But that wasn't-" "And here we are today, commanding officer of the 1st fighter brigade. A title no female has ever held. Congratulations are in order." The commander interrupts. "Thank y-" You are cut off again by Kylo Ren "You will report to Control Bay immediately after the ceremony. There are things we must discuss."

What?! You think to yourself. Is this guy crazy? You've planned for weeks for this night to be off, so you could celebrate with your friends and your crew after the ceremony. You start to speak, "Why? I made plans to-" "I know you were thinking about me." Kylo Ren says, barely above a whisper. You were confused. What was he referring to? What did he know?

With a simple, yet telling gesture, he gives a little wave of his hands. You instantly turn red and become filled with embarrassment. You're no longer focused on your accomplishment, but how Kylo Ren heard you thinking about him. What were you going to do? "Control bay. Be there immediately after the ceremony." He repeats. "Don't be late. I will make you forget it."

With that, Kylo Ren walks to the podium, announces you, and calls you over. He reads your accomplishments and hands you your certificate and new uniforms and badge. He outstretches his hand, offering a handshake. You stare at him, not knowing what to do. You both look at each other for what felt like a millennium. Finally, he pulls his hand back. Thank the stars, you think.

Kylo Ren then uses his left hand to remove the glove from his right hand, and then stretches his hand back out to you. You couldn't help but stare. With the glove on, it was hard to grasp just how large it is, but now you can clearly see that it is ginormous. He gestures his head towards his hand one more time as you reach out and shake it. Your hand was small in his, like a little girl's hand in her father's. You shake his hand firmly, and try to pull away, but he holds your hand in his for a moment longer, letting his thumb linger across your skin. Your body is filled with chills.

He lets you go, turns on his foot, and begins to exit. The ceremony was now over. Everyone stands up to clap with congratulations, and you begin to socialize, without remembering your order from the commander. You realize how long it's been and scramble to gather your things. You begin sprinting to the control bay with only the words of the commander in your mind "Don't be late. I will make you forget it"

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