New Kid

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Chapter 1
👑 Mistle (pronounced as mistletoe without the toe)👑

"Bloody Hell! Move losers! Jesus, what the actual fuck is going on?!" High school.

I move up to the front of the crowd, people parting like the red sea. Even those stupid barbie boob hoes know not to get in my way. I'm like a fucking assassin and anyone who gets in my way gets killed. I'm respected because I don't bully, but if you try to touch me you'll wish you had gone to the hospital before the fight even started.

I get to the front to see a stupid jock, Larrison, beating up a new kid. How would I know if he's new? Well, I know everyone. I never asked for this stupid ass high school to treat me like a queen but the moment I beat up a lanky guy who had been a senior, famous for his wrestling that won them championships ever since he was in high school, they knew that I was not a person you wanted to pick on.

"Larrison, you asswipe. Get. Off. The. Bloody. New. Kid," I said, somehow feeling sorry for the kid. Larrison stopped, still holding onto the new kid, and looking at me, his eyes wide with fear.

"Listen fucker, I don't have all day. Let him go before I shove my heels so far up your ass, people will think you have two
dicks on both ends." Larrison immediately dropped him and everybody stepped back, some shaking and some muffling their laughter at how even captain of the football team bowed down at my feet.

Now don't think I'm cocky, cause I could honestly care less about these five year olds in seventeen year old bodies. I just don't like to be stepped on.

"Good. Now, if everyone knows what's good for them, they'll get to their fucking classes before I make sure your all running home, trying to hide the wets stains in your pants or skirts. Shows over! I hear one person gossip about this and I'll make sure you stay in a coma for a year! Beat up this kid again, and you'll be in a coma so long, by the time you get out, you'll be on your fucking death bed! Go!" Everyone ran, some screaming and a few wimps crying. Honestly, they act like I've ever put someone in a coma for a year... Jake was only in a coma for, like, two months... Pfft... That's not that long...

I looked down at the guy only to meet gorgeous blue-green eyes. Shaggy blonde hair that looked too sexily messy for its own good, but his clothes... I think his wardrobe might be a definite don't but who am I to judge. I hold out my hand and he takes it, firmly shaking it and getting up by himself, still holding to my hand.

"Thanks for saving me, princess. Although, I've been trained in combat for years I wanted to see if anyone would stop to help. Particularly a girl. I've been looking for a princess and I finally found her," he said. Damn, talk about poetic. Welp, I'm leaving. I get enough poetry from, Christopher, captain of the soccer team and captain of the Queen Mistle Club. Trust me, that was some scary shit when I first heard a club was started about me my second day in high school.

God, just one more year with these fuckers.

The bell rang and the boy smiled at me, picking up his backpack.

"Later princess. See you at lunch."

Good job Mistle. You rescue one kid and he thinks your fucking buddies. Congru-fucking-lations!


Finally! Lunch.

I've been hiding in this tree since I saw Miss Burger walk down the halls. You see, she's the principle and her name is Miss Becker (her husband divorced her because she kept threatening him with no sex) and we all call her Miss Burger because she was caught picking her nose by yours truly and it somehow got posted all throughout school. Second year was the fucking life.

After that whole incident with Asswipe and New Kid, I figured I had learned my lesson for today. New Kid was one sexy piece of ass that I really wanted to tap but it was more, it was different from all the other times I thought a guy was sexy. I just can't explain it. What I do know is that attachment is not an option. I don't need people to get hurt cause I made a mistake.

I climbed down from the tree and walked to the food line, people saying hello as I passed, trying to get attention from me that I never gave. I got my food and walked to the football field, taking seat in the bleachers, away from the monkey ass teenagers. I plugged in my earphones and put on my favorite song, In Your Arms by Kina Grannis. I know, it's an innocent song for a badass. I have my reasons.

"Hey there princess. What's your favorite song?" I yelped and looked up, my eyes hard and angry when I saw it was New Kid. Oh god, this fucker thought I wanted to be his friend.

"None of your bloody business. Listen, I saved you because your new. Not because I needed to. You were a lucky fuck that I decided to wake up early this morning but we are not buddies. Leave and I won't break your face," I said and he fucking laughed. Ass.

"Do you smell that? I didn't know there were bulls out here cause I smell bullshit. You know you wanted to save me, don't lie. And now it's my turn to save you. But first, you will have to come with me." He said standing up and offering his hand.

I took his hand only to pull him down. He landed with a grunt and I stood up.

"Oh, I'll go fucker. I'll go home. Have fun!" I steamed and left, completely pissed off that he could even accuse me of lying. New Kid doesn't know me.

No, home just won't do. I want to hear some bones crack. Underground fighting it is.

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