The Red Bird and The Brown Rabbit

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    -----tw-death, homophobia, bullying----

    The Red Bird and The Brown Rabbit, are two creatures that are together. Whenever you saw one of them the other is nearby. But, why us that? Well, there is a story. It goes like this.

    A girl was beautiful red hair, was the village gem. Everyone loved her. Especially, her unique hair. She brushed it out everyday by the river. One day, girl came by while she was brushing out her hair. "Excuse me?" The brown hair, girl questioned. "Yes?" Red ask as she stopped was she was doing. "I just wanted to ask, why your hair is red?" Brown asked.

   Red thought about it. She didn't questioned her hair. Even though, her hair wasn't like anyone else's. She pondered for awhile. Before finally answering, "I don't have a clue. My hair has always been like this." Brown took a moment to process the information.

   "Okay... Can I stay for awhile?" She questioned. "Sure, stay as long as you like." Red responded. Over the months, they always costed each other near the river. Having fun, laughing, and playing in the water. Soon one day they became lovers.

   They kept it secret. For, they did not know how the village would react. But, the kept meeting eachother down by the river. One day, a villager saw them by the river kiss. He went back to the village and told everyone. Some took the news fairly, others did not.

   Now the girls faced problems. Men would always tried to swoon Red. Tried and make her theirs. But, to Brown, she was a outcast. Always picked on, and laughed at due to such an "ugly" girl dating such a beautiful woman.

   Even with all the hate, the kept up the relationship. But one day, Red rejected a man's confession. He was outraged, so he kill her. Due to this the killer was hanged, and many hearts were broken. The Brown haired girl, still visited the river and cryed. Her tears mixing in the water.

   One day, a red bird flew down next to her. She ingored the bird at first. But, it started singing a beautiful melody. The girl looked at the bird, and sang along. Everytime she went down to the river the red bird would be there. They always sang the melody and cheer her up when she cried.

One day the girl died due to a illness. The river was quiet. You could only hear the sad melody of the bird. Until, a brown rabbit went down to the river. The rabbit cheered the sad bird up. They became friends and soon lovers like in the past life.

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