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Mina's POV

Running around in a dark forest in blacked-out sunglasses, trying to find two crazy werewolves is just as hard as it sounds. I've fallen about 10 times and tripped about 35 times already. Cass and I have tried to keep up with Scott but we ended up telling him to go off by himself.

Meanwhile the pull of the moon is so strong that Cassie and I were having trouble not looking at it. I wanted to go to the ocean at that very second even though it's about a 2 hour ride there.

Cass abruptly stops running and I fall into her back. She points at the two snarling werewolves and they spot us and stop a few feet away. A shiver runs down my spine because of the psychotic looks they possess.

They growl loudly before attacking. Boyd and me fight while Cassie and Cora do. Cora slashes at both of us since got to us first. I duck going one way while Cass goes the other, but unfortunately I crash into Boyd and fall onto the ground. He runs at me, but I use my powers to create a strong gust of wind to push him back.

I waved my hand across myself to turn invisible making him confused and mad. A medium sized rock flew on the other side of the clearing due to my telekinesis and that got his attention long enough for me to stand up and check on Cassie.

Panic rises when I see Cora sitting on her stomach with her hands around her throat. We are not winning this fight so far.

I concentrated on a bush nearby and then started it on fire which effectively scared Cora off. Animals are generally afraid of fire so I thought it would work.

As they are distracted, I get Cass and sprint off into the woods. We soon get lost and decide to call the others. And that led to us meeting them at the school.

On the way to the school, I couldn't help but think about how gross I feel and how great bath would be right now. I have a little bit of dried blood on my clothes and skin accompanied by dirt. Cassie is also covered in dirt. Both of us have a couple twigs and and leaves in our messy hair.

"Are you ok, Cass?" I ask, wondering if she got hurt at all while fighting Cora. I watch as she held her wrist.

"Yeah. Werewolves have a crazy amount of strength." She uncovers her wrist revealing a couple of claw marks and bruising.

"Don't worry after we get these wolves locked up. We can get cleaned up. Maybe even make your special lotion. I love that stuff."

She smiles and hooks her arm through mine as we near the school. As we get to the school, Scott takes charge and makes a plan. I help Issac open the doors of the school. While everyone gets ready for their arrival. I make sure that some water facets are running in case it becomes a necessity.

"Are you ready? You can fight right?" Isaac asks glancing at me before staring back at the main doors.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve. I mean I've survived the human world this long haven't I," I respond with a small smile. He smirks before tensing up signaling that they are here.

Boyd runs in with Cora behind him and immediately charges at us and so we sprint to the boiler room that we want to trap them in. We were almost there but Boyd got a hold of my hair and yanked me backwards causing me to shreik as I hit the floor. He goes for another hit, but I quickly roll to the side as his claws hit the ground. Issac comes out of nowhere and tackles him to the ground and Cora is being held off by Scott. I use my water supply and freeze Cora's hand to the lockers as Boyd goes flying into a classroom. I get out of sight and Issac jumps down the stairs causing the 2 wolves to follow him and into the boiler room. Derek follows and helps but gets trapped with them as Issac rolls out and quickly locks the door behind him. Apparently a teacher was trapped in there as well,, which is why Derek went into the room in the first place. Scott, Issac and I all look at the door in worry for Derek. I sigh in relief though as Cassie comes to join us.

"We got to help them," Scott says agitated.

"We can't they'll get out," Issac mumbles.

"I can help but you guys may need ear plugs or something," I offer and they look at me in confusion. "My old pod had a specialty for forbidden siren songs. Cassie and I can sing one. It will put them into a trance, long enough for Derek to gain control over them. Although it may affect both of you since you are werewolves. Derek will have a better chance at fighting it since he's an alpha." They look at me surprised. But Scott nods and agrees to let us do it.

Both of us start singing the dangerous song. In order for us to control who it hits we need to use our magic. I pour my water onto the floor to start with and we both call to the water from the closest facets which quickly comes gliding towards us. The two boys look a bit dazed and look at us as if we make the world go round. I don't stop singing as I look at the boys in worry. They both have come to be very close to us. Our powers cause soft gusts of wind to blow our hair back perfectly. I raise my arms and make the water raise into the in a misty form. Unfortunately that cause water droplets to form on our skin causing us to fall as we become mermaids. My heart raises as I fall into Issac's arms and Cass into Scott's.

We both hold strong with the song, not having a choice to stop. If we stop so will something could go wrong and it may not affect Boyd and Cora in the way we hoped. Scott and Issac are now sitting in the water holding us with dazed looks. Issac's hair dripping wet from the mist we have created. And I have to say that I am very attracted to him right now.

I tear my attention away from him and focus on the melody. A small glow the forms from the water and that becomes our que to push the fog into the boiler room. It flows in through the cracks around the door. My eyes close as I see what is happening inside the boiler room.

Boyd and Cora are double teaming Derek. The alpha sitting on the floor with blood covering his upper half. My song gets stronger and the mist envelope only the two wolves as I focus on them. I subtly notice as Cass helps Derek heal with her own magic as I take on the two wolves putting the strongest trance on them. They both become numb and fall to their knees on the floor. We keep it up until Derek becomes strong enough to pull out of his own daze. Once he does he quickly gets up and knocks out his beta and sister. They fall limp onto the floor as Derek looks extremely confused.

Cass and I slowly pull our magic back in as the siren song comes to an end. The hot magical mist lingers in the air along with the songs end. Although that doesn't end the enchantment on the two boys holding us or anyone else inside the school. Issac holds me tightly against him as he nuzzles his face into my shoulder. I don't know how to feel as exhaustion falls over me. The strong use of our magic causes us to fall asleep against the two werewolves who hold us protectively.

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