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Cassie's POV
A knock sounds through my house that is way too quiet for my comfort. I hastily stand and rush to the door and when I open it a small dose of relief comes over me. Standing at my door is a couple of friends that I haven't seen in quite a while.

The first is Zach, a merman, standing there with his usual awkward smile. He has slightly long, dark brown hair and caramel colored skin. He's a bit older than Mina and I. Next, is Ondina, another fellow mermaid. She has curls of blonde hair and lightly tanned skin. Lastly, there's Mimi, whom is also a mermaid and Zach's brother. She's from the same pod as myself. Her hair is dark brown with slightly lighter skin than her brother. She's the opposite of Ondina, since Mimi is always wearing a smile and Ondina mostly looks annoyed.

I move aside to let them in and close the door behind them. Then we all greet each other with a hug. "I've missed you guys so much."

"We've missed you too Cass," Mimi says.

"Now where is Mina? And do explain how this all happened in the first place." That's Ondina for you. Always straight to the point, not that I'm complaining.

They follow me to where Mina is; meanwhile I explain what happened to her. After the explanation Ondina looks kinda mad and the others are just worried.

"I've already tried sea water and that didn't work. So I was hoping that maybe if we put our moon rings together, then maybe we could revive her somehow."

"We could try, but you know it could be dangerous and do the exact opposite," Mimi responds. I nod with a sad, yet determined face.

"We have to try. It's the only option. I don't think she has much time left, you guys."

All of us glance at each other with worried looks before the girls and I raise our fists and focus our power on our moon rings and my best friend. "Remember, only happy thoughts," Mimi says. If even a negative thought enters any of our minds, it could have terrible consequences. It could kill Mina. A breath of air escapes my lips when the color slightly returns to my friend's face.

SLAM!! I jump startled as we all loose concentration on the task at hand. It sounded like someone broke into the house with little care if we heard them or not; yet none of us relaxed our arms. Our powers on the other hand completely stopped.

"What was that?" Ondina asks.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Zach questions quietly, inching towards the door. I shake my head letting my hand down. Another sound comes from the kitchen. "I'll go check it out. You three stay here." Without waiting for a response, he turns himself invisible with wave of his hand and goes out the door. Before even 10 seconds pass we hear the commotion of fighting and a loud crash. Mimi immediately speeds out of the door and Ondina tries to follow but I grab her wrist and stop.

"No, you have to stay and help me before Mina gets worse." She nods and we get back to work while trying to ignore the commotion going on in the house.

Both of our moon rings light up and a wispy baby blue glow encases Mina. After a couple of minutes we hear multiple pairs of footsteps near us and I started to worry because nothing seemed to be happening.

"Cassie, what do we do? Nothing's happening," Ondina speaks up with fear in her voice. "Their getting closer!"

"Just try harder! This has to work," I demand, " It just has to."

The glow gets a little brighter, but then it dims a second later and completely fades out. The power ran out. Of course things just had to get worse as I was flung against the wall. My head hit hard and so I blacked out for a minute, but I was still conscious enough to listen to Ondina cry out and then crash near me.

My vision slowly returned and was dotted with black blurry spots, but I can make out two figures that looked very identical and familiar. A loud gasp rang through my ears and I knew that the moon rings worked. I tried getting up but it made me even more dizzy so I collapsed back onto the ground.

One of the strange figures muttered something as he picked my best friend up and off of her bed. She was obviously asleep since there was no struggling or fighting. And just like that they just walked out, forgetting or not caring about us or the mess that they left behind. Fatigue overcomes me and my struggle to stay awake was useless as the darkness took over.


I didn't wake up until the next morning and the first thing I heard was my phone vibrating. The small annoying sound aggravated me because of my pounding head. After a couple of long minutes I gave up and checked my phone. Several text messages and calls. Scott had texted me about Isacc remembering where he found Boyd and Erica. The same text from Allison saying that the bruises is the shape of a logo for an abandoned bank. Then the most recent text was from Lydia telling me to be ready so she could pick me up for school.

I didn't reply to any of the text messages because I know that I'll just see them at school and stuff. Plus my mind was hardly working and the only thought I could maintain is that Mina was just kidnapped. Then I remembered my friends.

I quickly looked around before spotting Ondina across the room seeming to be just as disoriented as myself. Luckily she's conscious. Ondina sees me and realization sets in her blue eyes and she doesn't hesitate to lift herself up off of the floor. Anger is clear on her face and so I quickly get up too. I pick my pace in order to catch up to her as she storms out the door.

"Mimi! Zach!" she calls. My house is destroyed. Holes in the walls, broken glass and plaster on the floor, but I wasn't too worried about that. My focus being on my other two friends and their wellbeing.

Mimi is the first one we find and she's slumped against a wall in the hallway. We wake her up and then I go look for Zach, while Ondina takes care of Mimi. I walk into the living room and the first thing I see is the sunlight coming in through the front door. Although the front door is no longer there, I quickly walk through and Zach is lying on the grass. Running up to him, I gasp at his horrible condition. He's unconscious and on his right side his white t-shirt is covered in blood and torn open revealing claw marks. Zach's face is not a pretty sight as bruises start to form and there's a little dried blood. I yell for Ondina and Mimi while taking out my phone to call an ambulance. As they come out, a car pulls up to my house. One contains two confused and worried teenage girls. I sigh overwhelmed by everything going on.

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