Last Chapter: Taking it Back

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Jisoo waited for Nayeon just outside her friend's apartment but Jisoo noticed that Nayeon was taking some time. And when Nayeon finally came out, Jisoo noticed the dark circles under her friend's eyes. Jisoo began to worry for her friend more as she continually saw how Nayeon's lively personality became gloomy.

"What happened to you? You look like a mess." Jisoo commented.

"I uh— Vernon came by last night." Nayeon told her. "We talked and I might have said something hurtful." Nayeon continued and she looked like she was about to cry.

"Oh, Nayeon." Jisoo looked heartbroken and she immediately embraced Nayeon into her arms.

Jisoo's thoughts were now clouded with all the possibilities that may happen if this would continue. She cursed all the author out there for allowing such awful things to happen towards all the heroines in every novel.

"Can't they all just give the heroine the good stuff only? Why must they give all the difficult situations towards the female lead?" Jisoo thought. "This is not good. I have to do something about this. I can't let Nayeon suffer like this. I have to take back the female lead spot." Jisoo decided. "With this, I'm sure the happy Nayeon would come back."

After Jisoo decided for such thing, it would seem like her new goal was too difficult for her to accomplish. Jisoo was sure that she would be having a tough time in taking her female lead role spot seeing what was happening at that moment. Nayeon was standing behind Jinyoung with the other boys around her protectively while glaring towards Vernon and his friends.

"Just what the hell is with this situation?" Jisoo thought.

It was during their school field trip and all the freshmen students were to spend an overnight trip at Jeju Island. Jisoo was happy to know that she would be able to go with Nayeon since all first years are to go together. But when Vernon approached them to talk during their free time, that's when everything went down hill. Seeing the uncomfortable expression from Nayeon, Jinyoung and the other boys immediately intervened. Vernon's childhood friend, Wonwoo immediately appeared by his side, seeing the intimidating group of boys against Vernon. Daniel and Vernon's other classmates also came closer if something might happen.

"I just wanted to talk." Vernon stated angrily, seeing that Jinyoung wouldn't even let him see Nayeon's face.

"But she don't want to." Jinyoung said.

"She didn't say that." Wonwoo cut in.

Wonwoo was right. Jisoo never heard Nayeon say that she didn't want to talk. The boys only assumed after seeing Nayeon's discomfort.

"Ugh. Just what should I do in this kind of situation?! I'm supposed to get back the heroine title! But what's this? It looks like I couldn't do anything about it anymore." Jisoo cried inside her head. "What should I do? What should I do?" Jisoo panicked as she stared at the hostile expression coming from Wonwoo who was famous with his fist fights. "Maybe I should flaunt my pretty face? That would usually work with the likes of him. No, no, no. I'm not the heroine anymore so maybe it wouldn't work?"

Jisoo was silently battling herself as she kept thinking of what to do. She finally throw away her pride and tried out her plan. She walked past her friends, standing in front of Vernon and his friends. She let out her most beautiful smile that she could muster.

"Did I just see an angel?" Daniel commented, blinking his eyes.

"Is she doing some kind of school drama? She's just too unreal." Seulgi added.

"Uh—" Shownu was speechless.

Wonwoo who immediately gotten red on the face threw his face away from looking at Jisoo's goddess-like beauty. He tried to hide his face away and eventually took off, not even letting Jisoo say a word. Jisoo's friends on the other hand looked shocked.

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