Chapter 1: Bad Day

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The episode starts at Nobita's room, and Nobita cries like a waterfall, and Doraemon enters the room.

Doraemon: Oh, Nobita, what happened again?

Nobita: It's terrible! It's terrible!

Doraemon: What's terrible? Is it about Gian and Suneo?

Nobita: No, it's not that. Today is Valentines Day, and I made Shizuka angry because I forgot it.

Doraemon: Ehhhh?! There's no way you would forget that is was Valentines Day today?! Impossible!

Nobita: Admit it Doraemon, I ruined Valentines Day! There's no way Shizuka would forgive me.

Doraemon: sigh What really happened after you went back home from school?

Nobita: Well, you see...

Flashback starts

Shizuka's Friend 1: Hey Shizuka, look what my friend gave to me for Valentines Day

Shizuka: Wow, beautiful.

Shizuka's Friend 1: Thank you. This is the best gift I ever had.

Shizuka: What about you, Suneo?

Suneo: Box of chocolates for you, and high-quality flowers with no pollen.

Shizuka: Wow! It's like a dream. What about you, Gian?

Gian: Oh, Oh, Oh! This is from Jaiko, she gave you a ticket pass for her art contest tonight.

Shizuka: Wow, tell Jaiko I said thank you.

Gian: Hehe, no problem...

Nobita walks in

Nobita: Hey, Shizuka! What you guys been up to?

Shizuka: Oh, Nobita! There you are.

Nobita [in mind]: Ehh??? Flowers..... box of heart chocolates.... a ticket to the art contest?? HHWWAAAAA!!! Shoot, I forgot it's Valentines Day...

Shizuka: Did you get anything for Valentines Day??

Nobita: Ehhh..... about that... Ummm.....

Shizuka: You didn't get anything for Valentines Day, right??

Nobita: Ehhh.... what??!! No, that's not it...

Gian: Admit it, you forgot it.

Shizuka: Huh?! That's disappointing, Nobita.

Shizuka's line starts echoing, while Nobita goes in a shocking face, and fell down on his knees...

Nobita: This is it... I forgot a significant day for Shizuka. I ruined it.

Flashback ends

Nobita: No matter how many times I will apologize to Shizuka, she will reject it starts crying again

Doraemon: That's just not right. There's no way she will say that to you, she is your friend, right?

Nobita: Yes, but why did it happen this way! starts crying harder. **I wanna forgive her! (5x)** while hitting his hand on his hand hard

Doraemon: mmmm... Oh, I got it! pulls out a gadget on his pocket I know just a thing that will solve this heartbroken-ish problem, or so I thought.

Nobita stops sobbing and looks at Doraemon.

Nobita: What now?

"The Insta-Heart!"

Nobita: What's that??

End Of Chapter 1

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