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A/n: So this one may be a tiny bit too AsaKisu focussed too as I struggled with this prompt so it kind of went a bit off track

But uhh...


Also, my dumbass dog injured himself halfway through me writing this so it might be a bit disjointed? Idk but hopefully everyone who reads this enjoys!

For Ikuya and the others, The Marron had become a sort of meeting place. They each probably spent as much time there as they did in their dorms and although Akane definitely didn't mind it, she sometimes wondered why they all spent so much time there.

It was a Wednesday afternoon and once again, they were all sat around their usual table, with their usual drinks despite it currently being the peak of summer with the sun shining brightly in the sky and barely a cloud in sight.

"Hey Asahi," She called from behind the counter, grabbing her brothers attention "Have you all never thought of, I don't know, going outside?"

He turned in his seat to face her, the rest of the group tuning in too

"What do you mean?"

She sighed in slight frustration, shaking her head exasperated "I mean it's a nice day outside and yet you're all sat cooped up in here? Have you never considered going on a picnic or something instead?"

"Uh..No not really..."

Kisumi chose that moment to pipe up, the enthusiasm clear in his voice

"It sounds like a good idea, it could be fun,"

"It would be something a bit different, I'm up for it," Makoto offered "I'm sure there are loads of nice places to go,"

The rest of the group offered similar agreements and Akane let a small grin slip onto her face.

"See you could all use some time outside,"

"Shut up," Asahi grumbled in response "Maybe someone should've suggested it earlier then,"

"There's a nice park near an apartment I showed someone round the other week," Kisumi offered, "It's not too far away either,"

"When is everyone free?" Ikuya added and they began arranging a day, settling on Saturday afternoon after they had finished swim practice.

"This'll be fun," Kisumi assured as they finished up their drinks, beginning to gather their things and say goodbye before leaving.

This was how Ikuya found himself struggling to shove a Tupperware tub full of sandwiches into an already crammed bag. Much to his disdain, it had been the one day that swim practice ran over, leaving both he and Hiyori very little time to shower and change before heading to Ikuya's dorm to grab their stuff.

And of course, having not expected it to run over, they had left the food in the fridge to pack just before they set off and now found themselves struggling to grab everything they needed before rushing out of the dorm building and catching the bus over to Hidaka University where they had agreed to meet the others...five minutes ago.

"Damn," Ikuya sighed as they finally reached their stop, checking his phone quickly to see that they were now almost twenty minutes late.

Although he had texted earlier to say they might be late and had received a reply assuring him it was okay as they were also waiting for Haru and Makoto's childhood friends, Ikuya still hurried his pace slightly, with Hiyori following suit and they reached the group quickly enough, being met with varying jokes about them being late and the reasons as to why.

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