Sisters of Mercy Part 4

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"I'm gonna go get this food to the boys." I informed Warren as we walked away from Cassandra.

"Alright, you do that. I'm gonna see what I can dig up. Meet back here in 10."

"Got it." I nodded as I jogged to the gate, only to be stopped by the guards.

"Where are you going?"

"Helen gave me permission to bring some food out to my friends." I spoke with fake sweetness. She eyed me for a second before nodding and making a circle with her hand, 2 women opening the gate in response. I walked out to find Mack and Doc setting up a canopy while 10k watched. I could hear their conversation as I made my way over to them.

"All these women give me the creeps." Same, Murphy. "That blonde one keeps looking at me." Doc stopped what he was doing and moved to stand in front of him.

"Oh man, don't get down on yourself like that. You are a perfect hunk of man meat and don't you ever forget it." He gave him a small motivational speech. A weird one, but a speech nonetheless.

"Ha-ha, don't quit your day job." Murphy muttered as he walked over to the tent they had set up.

"Is there really all women in there?" 10k questioned. I raised my eyebrows as I stood behind him.

"Got something you wanna tell me?"

"Yikes, kid." Doc muttered. Tommy quickly turned to face me, his face flushed.

"N-no! I just can't believe they don't have any men in there." He tripped over his words as he rushed to stand in front of me, brushing my hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but laugh at how scared he got.

"Relax, 10k. I'm just playing." I chuckled as I kissed his cheek and walked over, dumping the contents of my food bag in the bag of the truck. "I'm come bearing sustenance."

"Thank God." Mack muttered as he ate a carrot slice.

"Not God, just me." I grinned as the boys chuckled and dug in.

"You know what gets me?" Mack asked as he swallowed his food.

"What's that?" Doc asked as he and 10k reached for the biggest strawberry in the pile. 10k won so Doc settled for second best.

"What the hell happened to all their men?" My brother-figure finished his thought.

"I haven't figured that part out yet. What I do know is they kick the boys out when they turn 13. All of them 'go to Salt Lake City to see their dad' because they haven't put together what's really going on.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Did they ever have men in there?" Tommy questioned as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Sounded like it. Whatever the answer is I'm gonna figure it out." I gently moved Tommy's arms and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're going back in?" He asked sadly, causing me to chuckle.

"Somebody has to make sure that if shit hits the fan Cassandra can make it out. Don't worry, I'll be back." I reassured him with a smile before jogging back to the gate, the guards not giving me any problems this time.

As I walked in, everybody was standing in a large crowd, Addy and Warren at the back of it. I made my way over to them as I eyed the women.

"What's going on?" I questioned as I stood next to them.

"I'm not sure." Addy replied as a couple of the girls escorted a new lady to Helen in front of everybody. She looked beaten, and scared.

"This is Tessa." One of them said once they stopped walking.

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