Seun Bi's POV

"Princess. Here are the list of the organizations helping the sponsorship in the King's current project about the expansion of public health facilities and environmental development of the country."

With his words, Chen dropped a pile of folders in front of my desk.

Yes...exo are bodyguards. But also my assistants.

I sighed as I opened the top folder with droopy eyes.

I haven't slept that much for days and it's been a year since I was crowned as this country's princess. Living a normal life is already in the past I guess.

"Is there something wrong, princess?" Baekhyun asked as he peered to my face. I just shook my head.

"I'm just starting to realize that this is the life that a real noble would do. How I actually miss my life back in the states."

Then Xiumin placed a cup on the side of my desk and poured some tea on it from the teapot. "Well if you miss that life, you can just disguise yourself and visit there."

Chanyeol butted in. "It's impossible. Paparazzi are everywhere."

The door to my quarters burst open. "I have to agree with Chanyeol."

"Lay! Where have you been?" I asked and brought the cup of tea to my mouth.

"From the military headquarters in Daegu. There's a report that a new organization like Devilina has started an experiment on human evolution."


"Lili! Are you alright?" Kai asked as he pat my back. I look at him and smiled.

"Yes..yes..thank you." then I look at Lay.

"Tell me all the details."

He nodded.

"According to one of the leaders of our military personnel who was deployed in Daegu, they found a suspicious building in a rural area. They asked permission from the chief of police for entering and got an approval. After raiding the suspicious place, the men found experimental tubes row by row and hundreds of dead bodies underground."

Then he breathed heavily.

"The men found three people on the underground basement. Their skins were moldy and rotten yet they were feeling physically fine as they said. I realized that those three people are like me....cyborgs. They can't feel pain despite severe wounds. I went to the site to see it for myself. My men and I found more than fifty experimental tubes with humans in them. However, the dead bodies has been experimented on and was disposed as a failure of the experiment. Any questions princess?"

...I'm speechless....

That sounds awful.

"Lay! What about the humans in the tubes? What happened to them?"

He sighed. "The military men has no appropriate knowledge for that so they contacted me. But even I don't have the knowledge on an advance technology such as that, so the tubes was heavily guarded and notified the guards not to let anyone touch them until further notice."

I should go there....

"Was this already exposed to the media?"

"Not yet, Princess. However it already raised suspicions from nearby towns."

"This is bad! It can greatly ruin the peace and unity of this country." Sehun stated.

"Let's go to the scene."

We didn't spare any time and hasten to Daegu.

I was already wearing set of comfortable clothes and shoes so I was ready to go.

While we're walking....

"Seun Bi!" I heard my brother's voice from upstairs to see him in on the stairway with his minister beside.

I made my way to him and gave him courtesy bow. "Greetings, Your Highness." I raised my head once again.

"I heard what happened. Are you planning to go to the site?"

"Yes, brother. The men has no idea about what to do. So I can probably of help. I would like to offer my assistance."

I heard him breathing heavily. "Very well. Make haste"

Paying my last courtesy bow to him, the boys and I rushed to Daegu.

Hopefully it's not as worse as I am currently imagining it...

Seun Ji's POV

My body has grown weaker by the day. The cold temperature outside the palace walls easily makes me sick.

Raug has tightened the security and cozy temperature of my room for my health.

That's weird. As far as I can remember, I only have 120 days to live after the chip is implanted in my body.

So how is it possible that I am still alive when it's more than a year?

I walk to the mirror and turn back, staring into the scar where the chip was placed.

My dress was revealing the area where it was placed making it easier for me to see it.

I wonder how is she...?

I haven't heard any news from them since 3 months ago.


I was startled by Raug's loud voice as he appeared in my room after pushing the doors.

We made eye contact and he approach me.

"I received a message from King Jongshin. There was a problem that Princess Seun Bi was tasked to leave to Daegu."

A problem?

"Do tell me"

He looks hesitant but nonetheless, he spoke. "An organization like Devilina corporation was infiltrated by accident of their military personnel. It involves human evolution and three cyborg like humans were found imprisoned and hundreds of dead bodies were found with a label of failure on their bodies"

An organization like Devilina....

With what Raug said, I suddenly feel lightheaded and stumbled on my feet. Raug assisted me on my arms.

"Woah, my queen. Are you alright? Do you feel cold?"

I shook my head. "Why is my sister going?"

"The military personnel has no knowledge of the technology so they made notice that no one has to touch the experimented people."

This is yet, Korea's nightmare

"Who is with my sister? Any news about her?"

"The message came two hours after the Princess arrived in Daegu. The message was directly from your brother. Her bodyguards, exo was all with her. And she has helped to take the people inside the experimental tubes out of their misery."

Without a doubt...

Someone is trying to follow Kwon Jun's footsteps.

But who could it be...

I sternly looked at Raug.

"I'm going back to Korea."

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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