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Seun Bi's POV

Royal life is indeed tiring...

I lay on my bed, staring on the ceiling.

Staring on the clock, I sighed.

1:19 A.M

It's this late already?

I can't believe the meeting lasted for 5 hours. I stretched my arms to the air, feeling relaxed.

I miss Kai.

Yes, we still do see each other everyday, but we don't really talk about couple stuff that much.

The reasons are simple. First, I am the princess and he's just a bodyguard. Second, my role as a princess is very time consuming. Lastly, we don't have enough time for ourselves.

Sometimes we just brush our hands or steal glances at each other, but that's it....

"Would you like me to prepare you a hot bath my princess?" I heard my stand in maid by the door.

"Please do." then I heard silence again. My eyes were drawn to the moonlit balcony as the curtains gently sway by the wind.

I got off from my bed and walked out of the balcony. Placing my hands on the railing, I sighed.

I wonder how she is...

"You're releasing every ounce of happiness with each sigh, Lili."

I heard a voice from the rooftop. I looked back to the roof to see...

"Kai? What are you doing up there?!" the moonlight was enough for me to see his smirking face as he hopped off the roof to my balcony, effortlessly.

He placed his elbows on the railing and looked at me.

"I miss you, Lili"

"I miss you too, Kai."

He pulled me by my waist and embraced me.

His hands are warm.

I hugged him back and snuggled closer to his chest, missing his warmth.

"Let me guess, you're wondering about Seun Ji huh?" I released my hands from him as he did the same. I look at him, with eyes on the verge of tears.

"I am. It's been a year since the coronation day. She didn't even stay long. I really miss her so much. It's all my fault in the first place that she was in the situation!"

Tears started falling off my face. I felt Kai's hands on my shoulders as he hugged me again. This time it's a bit tighter and more comfortable.

"Lili. It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself. Some parts were indeed your plan in the beginning. But you were just blinded by greed and envy. You greed for your parents and their love. You're envious of Seun Ji when she has everything. Yet, she was envy of you too. Fate just played a sick game to the both of you and it's all in the past. We can't change what has happened."

Then he pushed me, peering to my crying face...

He gently wiped my tears with his thumb and smiled. "Yes, we can't change what happened. We just have to accept it. For your sake, and Seun Ji's sake. You two are the most important people in our lives. I'm sure she has a reason why she married King Raug. So please stop blaming yourself and face a better future. Okay? Now stop crying. It makes you look old"

I frowned at his final remarks.


He just chuckled and ruffled my hair.

Reigning Hearts (Book 2 of Cold Princesses and Exo)Where stories live. Discover now