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Okay, so this story is based on an Irish poem we learned in class today, like I was reading it when suddenly the idea came into my head so now you've got to read it.

This is the poem in Irish:

Le Marcus Mac Conghail

Bruim cnaipe na haipe ag ceapadh,
Go gcuirfi ar an eolas me,
Ach in ait am theacht an bhus a thabhairt dom,
Ar mo ghuthan,
Faighim radharc fior-ama,
Den tiomanai ag feachaint orm,
(is e ag tiomaint an bhus thar braid)
Ar ardu mo chinn dom.


This is the translated version:

By Marcus Mac Conghail

I pressed the app button thinking,
That I will be informed,
But instead of getting the time that the bus is coming,
I got a real-time view,
The bus driver was looking at me,
(driving the bus past)
as I was raising my head.


Okay with that aside, here's the story:



I was waiting by the bus stop hoping that the bus would come by. I had woken up late because of my faulty alarm clock, I quickly rushed out of my apartment block and raced down to the bus stop. To my sadness, I just missed the bus, so I was left to wait twenty minutes more.

A few minutes in, I grew impatient. I'm not the type of person to stay still, I've always got to be doing something. I pick my phone out of my pocket, click the bus tracker and scan through trying to find the nearest bus that stops at my destination. It was while I was looking at my phone I heard a familiar noise.

I glance up to see my targeted bus drive by me, I frantically wave my arms desperately trying to signal the driver. Luckily, the driver noticed me...

Our eyes met...

My jaw dropped. The driver was a handsome young man in a clean uniform. He had luscious auburn locks and ocean blue eyes. His stare pierced my heart. The way he looked at me... my heart pounded like it never did before... I-.


The bus went by. I stood there clutching my phone wondering and trying to process what had just occurred before me.

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