The Truth I've Been Searching For...

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Mini Story!


I opened my eyes to see a vast white abyss surrounding me,

where am I? why am I here? those were the first questions that came to my mind though I didn't feel any fear, I peer down to see small bright bubbles bellow me my curiosity got the better of me, I sprinted towards one of the bubbles and could view an image of a boy running through the suburbs, he wore a leather coat on top of a white t-shirt, he wore black tracksuit bottoms with black shoes, he had wavy copper-coloured locks and depressed looking eyes

I wondered why he was so sad I watched him walk inside a white house and lock the door, I wanted to see more when the image dissolved from the bubble, I frown as my curiosity fills conscience I was determined to find out what happened, I heard a bell-like sound behind me, I turn around to see another bubble with another image, I walk towards the bubble and view another scene, it was dusk I see a tall woman sitting by a fireplace weeping loudly, her hair was as dark as midnight, and her eyes were as soft as a fluff, her chocolate brown eyes dart towards a wooden cradle, a small baby boy lay inside sucking his pacifier, the woman smiles as she ascends and walks towards the small child, she picks him up and cradles him singing a sweet lullaby to put him to sleep, the young infant giggles I couldn't help but awe at this sight, it was simply too cute for my heart to take, the woman sits down on a chair and closes her eyes as she and her little boy fall asleep cuddling together, I smile but frown as soon as the image dissolves, that wasn't good enough for me, I wanted to find out more, I look down to see another orb nearby, I walk down there to view the next scene, I clap my hands happily as I watch the next scene play,

It was the same lady but, to my sadness, the newborn wasn't with her another person had replaced him; On the right side of the lady stood a tall brawny man he had cinnamon brown hair and dreamy Persian blue eyes his hand interlocked with the woman's as they walked by the shoreline grinning widely, the scene shifts to them arguing over something, I wince every time one of them throws an object around the room, luckily the scene transitions to them sitting on two separate chairs talking to a man wearing a black suit, to my disappointment I couldn't hear what they were saying but I guessed it was something bad seeing as the woman was on the brink of tears, the man beside her gave her a cold glare then looked away focusing his attention on his phone and as expected the scene dissolves into thin air,

Okay depressing, depressing and intense, what's next? I ask myself as I walk over to the next orb, this time it was showcasing the boy from the first display, however, something was different about him, he wore a different facial expression instead of the depressing looking kid from earlier he was now smiling, the boy skips into the kitchen to see the same woman chopping some carrots on her wooden board, I started to connect the dots, these two were family,

"Good morning mom," the boy says,

I was quite surprised hearing his voice it felt so familiar yet so comforting at the same time, I shrugged it off thinking it was nothing, I glance over to see the woman he called 'mom's reaction,

"Good morning Wren," the woman replies,

So that's his name? It's cute, the woman slips the chopped up carrot pieces into a small plastic box and puts a lid on it she then places it inside a midnight blue bag, the boy grabs the bag and puts it behind his back, the woman smiles,

"I hope you have a lovely first day back at school sweetie!" she says,

"I will goodbye mom!" he says as he runs out the door and on the pathway to leading to the academy,

She locks the door and walks back to the kitchen she then sighs, the woman's gaze then diverts to the knife lying on the countertop, I look at her confused just as she was about the pick up the knife the scene dissolves once again,

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