Chapter 4: Victims of Emotion

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Sam parked the Impala and we all got out. Dean handed Sam something, a gun, they hooked it in the back of their jeans.

Sam had already arranged our situation with the security. "Are the guns really necessary?" I whispered. Dean looked at me. "We don't know what we are dealing with. Better be careful." We asked some security men if there has been anything odd happening in the park. They didn't seem to notice anything. We posed as FBI Agents, again, and requested to speak with the manager. He didn't notice anything weird either. Well that wasn't expected.

The place was packed. Kids where screaming and laughing and crying. Parents were running after their children dragged to roller coasters and other games. But one kid beat the lot.

They were queuing for this roller coaster called the Boss and he was crying and screaming his eyes and lungs out. He did not want to go on the ride. His brothers or friends, I wasn't able to tell, couldn't or wouldn't make him not go on since their was no exit. "Iris! Iris!" Sam waved his hands in front of my face. I looked at him and tilted my head to the side in question. "You ok? You have been staring at that roller coaster for a whole minute." Dean intervened. "Come on kiddo I would let you go on that coaster if I knew we had time. But we don't. " I looked one more time at the poor kid then said "No that's all right." Dean stopped and looked at me. Then sighed. "One ride that's it. One." I raised an eye brow. And a smile slowly spread across my face. I really wasn't expecting this. "Okey!" And we went on the Boss.

I've been on scarier roller coasters, but it was refreshing. That one ride resulted in another. And we spent half the day in the park. The happy looks on their faces made me happy. Something told me they were not frequent amusement park visitors. Of course! Their father was a very strict hunter. I stopped short. How did I know this? "What's wrong?" Dean looked at me "Scared to ride on this" Dean pointed at the roller coaster we were heading to "Oh come on! It can't be that scary." Sam said. "Come on this one is the last one." He grabbed my hand and pushed me to stand in line.

One hour later we all headed back to the Impala. We were all exhausted and we went back to the motel. Sam and Dean tried reserving a room for me but I refused. I have only known these men for two days. Sure it might have been too soon to hang out with them and go to amusement parks together. But I wasn't going to make them spend a lot of money on me. Not that I know how much a room in a motel would coast per hour. Not much probably. But still. When persuading me didn't work they tried trading one of their beds for the sofa I volunteered to sleep on. I bursted laughing. Sam sleeping on the sofa. With half his legs dangling on the other end. I refused and they gave up.

I was woken up by Dean. It was seven in the morning there has been another victim. We went to see the fatger. He was devastated. He spoke about his son who desappeared yesterday night and was found dead on her doorstep today morning. Dean and I left Sam to do the talking and we stole ourselves upstairs to the boy's bedroom. As Dean searched the room for any threads I looked at the portraits of his family he had hung up on his walls. He was about 10 he had three dogs that he apparently loved so much. He had several pictures of his baseball practice with his dad and a picture with his mom. He also had a group picture with his other siblings. Or so it seems. Something about this kid was familiar. I wasn't able to pin point why he looked familiar. "Come on" Dean called to me. "Sam must have finished asking his questions."

We went down the stairs. Just as Dean predicted, Sam was reassuring the lady that we would do all that is in our power to find what caused her son's disappearance and death. We got out and went to the car.

Dean was frustrated "It doesn't make sense." He looked at Sam and Sam shrugged and shook his head "My hands are empty." They both turned around and looked at me. "I don't have anything either." We sat there quietly. I knew the boy somehow.

"Wait here." I ordered the boys and got out. "Where are you going?" I ignored them. I knocked the door. A younger kid, a female, opened the door. Her father was right behind her. "Is something wrong?"

"No, but can I have a picture of your son, please?" He said yes and went in for a minute. I looked back at the car. Dean was shaking his head at me and Sam was telling him something. The lady came back and handed me a picture. The one from his bedroom with his dad in baseball practice. I thanked her and went back to the car.

"The more we show up at the door of a victim's house the more we torment the family and the more contact we have with the civilians. We don't want that." I tuned Dean out of my head and concentrated on the picture. I knew it. I held the picture up to the boys. "See, this kid was also in the park. The only difference is that when he disappeared he was found dead the other day. Unlike the others who dissapeared and were found dead a month after." Sam took the picture from my hand. "You sure." I nodded. Dean drove to the closest restaurant. We went in and sat down then Dean asked "Was there anything odd about him? Anything at all? Anything that would seam unnatural to you?"

"Except for the fact that he was completely terrified from riding the rollercoaster, no nothing."

Sam was doing crazy research on his laptop. The waitress came and Dean ordered raspberry pie and black coffee. I ordered Black Breakfast Tea. Sam didn't order anything.

Dean pulled out an old journal thing. It looked antique. I asked what it was and he said it was his dad's journal. "Everything our father knew about supernatural things is written here."

Sam finally looked up from his laptop. "Dean I found something. A Succubus. Old Legend has it that a Succubus is a creature that would take form as a woman or a monk and would seduce men and women to come with them for pleasure. The Succubus would then feed on the emotions emitted by the victime before his or her death." Dean looked at Sam. "These are kids Sam. The oldest one could be 10 tops." Sam nodded.

"Yeah but get this, legends that are way older say that a Succubus could take on any form and feed on any strong emotion emitted by the victim and it benefits mostly from fear, hatred or death." If what Sam was saying is true then everything is still not making any sense. Then Dean said."So four kids go to this amusement park and are terrified from a roller coaster or any other game. This Succubus is hungry and desperate so it feeds on the kids' emotions." I was starting to get really excited. Sam continued "Exactly, the more emotions the Succubus feeds on the stronger it gets and the greedier it becomes. So now instead of taking the victim and building up their emotions for a month it suffices from the direct emotions that come from the victim in one day."

I sensed there was more "So....?" I wanted to know what was next. Sam continued "So the Succubus is getting stronger but is not getting enough power since it's not waiting. It will want to feed again."

"Alright" Dean stood up and put money on the table. We got out to the car. "How do we kill it."

"It says that they are demon entities."

Dean looked at Sam. "Demon entities. So demon blade?"

"Ya, that is all we got."

Dean drove us back to the motel. We all sat down on the table. Well Sam and Dean did there were only two chairs. I sat on the bed. And for the next hour or so we were working on a plan to find and trap that demon Succubus and kill it for good.

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