Chapter 8: A Stroll Down Memory Lane

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Sam came back and we all sat down in complete silence. Sam saw the bloody bandages on my arm and asked if I was feeling alright and I nodded. After about thirty minutes and very little conversation pretty much because barely one of us could keep their eyes open we decided to spend the day in the motel room.

Sam and Dean took each one of the beds while I joined the two mini couches together to make a bed. Again they did offer one of their beds and they did offer to pay for an extra room but I refused and lay down on my makeshift bed. I fell asleep fairly quickly.


I was in a bedroom. Its walls and furniture were white. The sheets and blankets was purple and pink. Three canvases where hung above my bed, their colours were purple, orange and mustard yellow. The desk was decorated with pink. A window the length of an entire wall opened onto a small balcony. The curtains were half transparent and they allowed a lot of sunlight to get in making the white in the room glow. It was a warm and welcoming bedroom. It felt like home. "Iris!" a sing song voice came from downstairs. I walked to the door. There was a full lengthed mirror next to it. I looked at myself. I was wearing a baby pink and black dress which ankle high heel boots. My hair was pulled up into an elegant messy bun. My lips had a glittery gloss on them and a very subtle hint of eyeliner was on my eyelids. My eyes were glittering with excitement yet I did not know why I was excited. A proud and happy smile was drawn on my face, yet I wasn't the one smiling. I got out. There was music coming from down stairs; Obladi Oblada, Life Goes On by the Beetles. It was my favourite.

I walked down the stairs. Familiar faces were looking up at me. Smiling and clapping. A gorgeous looking woman in her early forties came and hugged me. The others followed lead, and I was hugged and kissed and congratulated. I danced with the people, and sang a couple of songs. I stuffed my face with chocolate and laughed at all the jokes. Then we all sat for dinner. On my right, a kind looking man in his late forties was sitting at the end of the table I was sitting to his left, the gorgeous woman in her early forties sat to his right. A young handsome man was sitting to my right, holding my hand under the table. When I looked at him he poured all his eyes into mine and I would get this familiar yet foreign feeling in my gut and my heart would swell. After we ate dinner, I helped clean the table. A woman who kept telling me I was like the daughter she never had, slapped my hand in a playful way and told me today was my day I should go set with the rest of the family.

I went to set with my family. Even though they were familiar I wasn't able match the names with the faces. I had no names. The handsome man pulled me to a corner and hugged me tight. He said there was an emergency in the hospital and he was called to check it out. He gave the sweetest most passionate and real kiss a man could ever give to his a girl and stood back and pulled out a rectangular box.

He opened it. It had the most beautiful necklace I have ever laid eyes one. Four diamonds, the size of a hazelnut, shaped into tear drops where all placed in a row. I delicately touched the necklace. He took it out and put it around my neck. I thanked him and leaned in for another kiss. He said goodbye and that he would see me back home and went. I went back to the party. I told the gorgeous woman who I seemed to trust unconditionally about the necklace. We laughed and smiled and giggled together.

Dessert was then served and the kind looking man in his late forties made a short and concise announcement that sent everyone into the clapping and congratulating mode again. "Today we honer our daughter's" and he grabs the hands of the gorgeous lady. "completion of her PHD and getting the job of her dreams. We still remember the day she went to kindergarten like it was yesterday." He looked at me with proud eyes. The woman, my mother was crying. My phone rang. I did not check who was the caller and ignored it. I went and hugged my parents. I missed them so much but I don't know why. Did I not visit them before now? After we sat down my phone rang again I excused myself and went to answer it. It said Daniel Clayworth. He was my husband. I answered. "Is this Iris Clayworth." "Yes." "Your are written down as Mr. Daniel Clayworth's first emergency contact. He was in a car accident and he is in surgery right now." I could feel tears stream down my face. "Mrs. Clayworth?" Was it my fault. Should I have insisted on him staying. "Mrs. Clayworth." I told her I was gonna come and ended the call. I went and wiped my tears. I didn't want to distraught anybody so I apologised and said that I needed to go home because I wasn't feeling alright. My mother insisted on coming with me to make sure I was alright so I told her. We went to the hospital.

We waited for four hours. The surgeon then came out. He told us that the impact of the truck had completely paralysed his body. He was conscious and only had partial control of his right arm, neck and face. It was a miracle because all his internal systems worked relatively great taking the condition he is in. I ran to the room they kept him in. He had bandages everywhere. His face was bruised. His eyes were wide open. His rich green eyes looked right into mine. He lifted his right hand a few inches from the bed then dropped it. I reached for his hand and held it gingerly. I did not want to hurt him. He was moving his lips. I leaned forward. "I'm sorry." He whispered. My eyes were filled with tears. Why was he apologising? It wasn't his fault. It was mine. I shook my head and told him it wasn't his fault. I kissed his hand.

The pain was unbearable. Something else was there too. I just wasn't able to pinpoint it. The nurse came and said he needs to rest so I got out. My father was also here. He looked worried. I heard them say: "First, her little child now this." It hit me hard as memory flooded in. Yes. I lost a child. She was four years old, springy hair. She had her father's eyes and the smile of pure sunshine. Clara was her name, after my best friend. She had fatal intestinal complications. I cried even harder the room started to spin. My parents ran to me. They were shaking me and shouting my name.


"Iris! Iris! Damn it Iris. Wake up!" Dean was shaking me to wake up. My eyes fluttered open. I rose up slowly looking around me. Everything was foggy and I wasn't able to see properly. Sam came into my field of vision. "Hey! you ok?" I frowned why were they asking. My face was wet. I touched it. Tears. Was I crying in my dream? I didn't remember. I nodded and told them I was fine. They looked at each other then went to pack the Impala yet they were still giving me concerned looks.

I helped with the packing and in an hour we hit the road. No one brought back what happened in the motel. There was another victim and Sam and Dean suspect its the same demon as earlier.

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