Chapter 3: The Family Business

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While I was sleeping in the car yesterday the boys must have stopped and purchased some clothes for me because when I woke up I found a bag of clothes sitting at the foot of my bed. They were kind enough to give me a room for the time being. They must have felt sorry for my pathetic grogginess and decided I was not going to be a threat to them. I grabbed the bag and emptied it on the bed. Two black long sleeved shirts, a jacket and a pair of jeans with socks and combat boots. Well it was lacking colour but it looked practical and similar to what they were wearing. I put on my new clothes and went to the great hall. Sam was reading the newspaper and Dean was no where to be seen.

"Dean I think I found us a case" he glanced at me. I shrugged and sat down on one of the chairs. "Yeah?" Dean came out his mouth full from the sandwich he was eating he passed a plate to Sam and one to me. "Yeah. Check this out" he passed the newspaper to Dean. "Three people went messing for a month and now they show up dead on the steps of their houses. Cause of death: unknown." "So?" Dean was literally drowning in his sandwich. He looked at me and then looked at my plate I only took a bite and wasn't really feeling that hungry. "It's so good why didn't you finish it?" I passed the plate to him "Thanks but I'm not hungry and thanks for the clothes." Dean shrugged and mumbled a "Your loss not mine" he took the plate. Then Sam said "So let us check it out it sounds like our kinda thing."

Sam took a bite from the sandwich. I stood up and went to the kitchen to drink some water. "It could just be a normal thing Sammy, it doesn't have to be our kinda thing."

"Yeah but did I mention that their was no cause of death. Everything was normal minus a beating heart."

"So what are we talking here? Witchcraft?"

"I don't know man don't you think its too neat for witchcraft?"

I chocked on the water I was drinking and started having a coughing fit. Both Sam and Dean ran to me. Once I regained control of my breathing I croaked "Witchcraft?" Dean looked at Sam "do you want to give her the talk?"

"We hunt monsters."

"Pardon?! There is no such thing." But again I did show up out of no where and they did think I was a demon. Sam looked at me dead serious. I looked back. Then it hit me. They were serious. Well it makes sense with the devil's traps and the weird symbols on some of the books "For real?" "Yes. We look at newspapers and other sites on the internet to find odd activities and we go check them out. Most of the time they turn out be vengful spirits or vampires or werewolves or shapeshifters and in some cases witches but not this time. Or atleast I don't think so."

Dean came back. "I packed the car. Ready to hit the road?"

"Ya but what about?" And he nodded his head at me.

"She is not coming with us! She will slow us down."

"Hey I'm right here and I'm not going to be left behind."

Dean looked at me. "Nobody asked you."

Sam too looked at me. "Its dangerous out there. And it does get bloody and people get hurt even if they know what they were doing let along not knowing. "

"No I'm not going to be left behind. But if the situation does get sticky I will stay in the car. The last thing I want is to be in your way while you try to kill a monster."

They both looked at each other. Dean gave me his stern look. "Things get sticky you will stay in the car I wouldn't be having it any other way." I nodded.

Dean and Sam got back to the hall "Where will we be heading?" "Missouri"

We headed to the car and I had the backseat. I learnt that the bunker was in Lebanon, KS wherever that was. The whole trip from the bunker to one of the motels in Missouri took about 4 hours. I would not be surprised if the trip should have taken longer but with the way Dean drives- I shook my head as I got out of the car. I have never been to a motel before and it wasn't something that should be on your to do list. It's something to do with the smell and even if you were certain that every surface was cleaned it still did not look that clean. Anyway it's what they could afford and I wasn't going to complain not even a little bit.

The boys changed into suits before heading to the first victim's house. When we reached the place Dean asked I should stay in the car. They left the windows open. They knocked on the door. A few moments later a woman that looked like she was in her mid-therties opened the door. "Good morning ma'am. We are Agents Montgomery and Smith. We are here to investigate your daughter's dissappearence and- "the woman interrupted them "I already went over this with the police but that's okay come in, please." Sam glanced back at me before going in to the house. After about half an hour they both came out. "Did you find anything." I was pretty curious. Dean went into the car. "No, nothing ." Sam got in after a minute. "What now?" I asked. "We go check the families of the other victims."

After three hours and no leads on the case we headed to a small restaurant that was in town. The waitress came and asked for our orders. Dean ordered a cheeseburger with extra cheese and a side of bacon while Sam and I ordered a chicken salad. I didn't have a salad fitish I just wasn't in the greesy food mood. "So three people disappear for a month and then show up dead, the doctors don't know what caused it and we found nothing, no hex bags no funny coins no emf no sulfur. I don't know Sam maybe its just not our thing. You know it does happen sometimes. Where no supernatural cause is playing at hand." "I don't know Dean doesn't it all seem fishy to you. Its too neat." I had a question "Was there anything common between the victims." Sam looked up from his laptop "No. One female two male. They did not know each other."

I randomly looked to my right that was when I saw it. A flyer about some amusement park called Six Flags St. Louis. The same flyer was at the doorstep of the three houses of the victims. I stoop up walked over to the flyer stall and took one and went back to our table. Dean looked at me angrily. "Really?! Three people go missing and then found dead and you want to check out some amusement park?"

"No but you just told me that their was nothing common between the victims and you were wrong."

"Care to elaborate?"

I handed them the flyer. "I bet you the driver's seat that the victims visited this park before they went missing."

"The driver's seat? " Sam looked quite amused. He looked at Dean. "Yes. If I'm right I get to drive the Impala for the rest of the day. Dean's right he gets to drive it."

Dean looked like he was asked to sell one of his lungs.

"That ain't fair. Sam- " Sam was having a lauphying fit. Dean continued "You win you get to set in the passenger seat." Sam started to object. Knowing he had no other choice, Dean then said to Sam. "I'll sit in the back she sets in passenger seat you drive. We can't have her driving baby around." I really did not expect him to act this way. "It's a nice car and everything, but don't you think your exaggerating a little bit its just a car."

It's official, Dean is having a full on convulsion. "Just a ca- Sam- No. You listen to me. Its not just a car. Let us go." He bolted out of the restaurant. Sam stood up put some money on the table for the food and the waitress then left and I followed. We went back to the car and checked the first victim's house. This time I insisted to go with them. The woman was surprised that the agents showed up again. "How can I help Agents?" She noticed me. "Who-?" "She is one of us. She wasn't on duty today." Sam to the rescue.

"We just have one extra question if that is alright with you of course." If I discover it, then I get to ask the questions.

"Did your daughter visit this park before she disappeared?" I handed her the flyer.

"I don't see how this is of any importance to solving the case."

"Every little detail will help us in a way or another to finding the reason behind your daughter's death. As they say the Devil is in the details." I gave her a reassuring and symapyhetic smile.

The woman looked down at the flyer. "Yes. We took her to the same park about four days before her dissppearence." She paused. "I still don't see the relivance- do you think- do you think the person who did this might be in the park." Dean took over. " We are not sure yet. Do you know of anyone who was there in the park who had problems with your daughter or might have wanted to hurt her?" The woman, Mrs. Boutus, as her name tag read, gave it a thougt. "No. Not any that I can think of."

"Thank you. If you remember anything or come across anything weird you have our number from earlier." Sam gave her his I really care about solving this case look and then we all excused ourselves and left the house. We stopped at the two other homes and the story was very much the same. Three to four days after they went to the park their sons disappeared. It was a lead, but Dean wasn't very happy about it.

With Sam driving and Dean in the back seat and me in the passenger seat we headed to the park of doom.

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