Stop Stealing My Pillow

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After a long day of classes, Laura had hoped to spend the rest of it with a Literature textbook in one hand and a chocolate chip cookie in the other, but clearly, Carmilla had other plans.

A few minutes after sitting down to study, Laura noticed that her vampire roommate had - for the hundredth time - taken her yellow pillow. "Argh. Stupid vampire," she uttered under her breath as she went over to retrieve it. Settling back on her bed with the pillow now being used as a backrest, she reached over for a cookie.

Barely a second later, Carmilla burst into the room and slammed the door shut. The sound made Laura drop her cookie, resulting in an increase of her heart rate and a mess of crumbs. She turned around to yell at her roommate, but frowned when she saw her on the floor in front of the door, hugging her knees with a bowed head - near-silent sobs managing to escape her mouth.

"Carmilla? Are you okay?" Laura spoke softly as she walked over to her. She crouched down and contemplated on whether or not to place a hand on her arm to comfort her. Well, she wasn't sure that it would comfort her. Carmilla definitely didn't seem like the type who liked to be touched. Laura did it anyway. Without even the slightest flinch, the vampire looked up and half-smiled, "Just peachy, cupcake."

Laura saw this as a nod of approval in terms of touching her and reached out to wipe tears off of her cheeks. Carmilla closed her eyes, her smile fading but still seeming to enjoy the moment. She felt the warmth leave her face, heard Laura's footsteps getting further away and realised that the moment was gone. But as her eyelids fluttered open, Laura was sitting in front of her again with a box of cookies. She held one up to Carmilla. "You can have one, but you have to promise to stop stealing my pillow."

Carmilla bit half of the cookie off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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