Family Reunion

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Khushi - I will stay Arnav.... Just have a nap....will answer all your queries once you wake up (She makes him lay down on bed. Injection effect slowly drifts him to sleep. Khushi to herself) If you get to know the reason you wont forgive me Arnav ...I took a very bad decision listening to Daadi......I am a sinner (Kiss his bandage.. and gets up from bed... Thinks something and goes out of the room to pool area remembering her fight with Arnav before she left home)


It was 2 days after final rituals of Daadi. Arnav was getting back to his normal chores but managing things from home. Khushi chose the evening time to reveal things....she brings the divorce papers signed by her and place it on table in front of Arnav where was working.

Arnav – What are these papers Khushi (He glance at them and his expression gets serious and stares at her) not now Khushi....I am not in right set of mind for all this.

Khushi – But I cant delay this....I am leaving house tonight...(Arnav gets up and hold her shoulder tight)

Arnav – You are not going to do anything of that sort...Just give me some time ....we shall discuss this....

Khushi – Time is what I do not have.... I need to do this as soon as possible to not complicate things further. (Arnav pushes her a little)

Arnav – How can you get so heartless Khushi....cant you give me time to calm myself and then take all this up...

Khushi – Look Arnav this is was already decided I just don't want discuss anything further. I wanted to inform you before I go... (Walks off from the room)

Arnav – Khushi...Khu (He sighs in frustration)


Khushi - (is wiping her tears...talking to herself) I had to agree to what Daadi asked because I cant let you exposed to such a bitter truth. You are making things tougher for me.

After about 2 hours all family members are back and Khushi can here everyone speaking outside door. She gets in room and walks towards door.

Naani – Khushi bitiya...Chote...are you guys fine? Why have you guys locked door?

Khushi – Naani...everything is fine...Arnav has locked the door digitally...he should be up any moment...will come out once he opens the door... (Everyone is smiling after hearing Khushi's voice)

Anjali – Its ok Khushi meet us in ease...not a hurry...we will all wait....(Everyone departs)

Khushi gets a call after looking at the caller ID she is nervous and she picks...

Khushi – Look I am really sorry....I did not mean....

Voice – Relax.....I know under what circumstances you had to do it.....and I am fine with it...

Khushi – Thanks ...I will leave as soon as he wakes up....

Voice – No way....look at the situation...I feel he needs medical care and he is very stubbon to be treated by others so you stay there till he is completely out of danger...

Khushi – But...Daadi...

Voice– Daadi asked you to do what you are doing as she wanted me to enter his life to sort it...and I am myself permitting you to stay so just shut up and do what I more arguments over this...I will call when I need ....bye for now....

Khushi – Listen... (Sighs)...atleast she understood the need of moment....

Arnav start wiggling and getting into conscious state...

Arnav – Khushi.....Khushi....(Slowly opens eyes...Khushi picks up the statoscope and examins him...he has a satisfaction looking at her around)

Khushi – Are you feeling better now?

Arnav – I always feel better when you are around.

Khushi – I meant about the pain.

Arnav – I already told you the pain I feel without you in my life is much more than this physical pain...

Khushi – the door....everyone is home...they wanna know your state.....(Arnav smiles at her and picks his phone and unlocks the digital locking) you are behaving unfair...(turns back while walking out of room)

Arnav – You have made me behave like this don't forget. (She just stares at him and walks out).... She is hiding something....need to find this out quick....


Everyone sitting and discussing on Arnav's health...Khushi walks in

Shyam – Khushi is Arnav fine?... nothing to be worried about right?

Khushi – Relax Jijaji... he would recover soon....but I feel he should have stayed at hospital...

Naani – Shall I talk to him...

Khushi – No naani ji...I will stay here to look after him... (she talks hesitantly)

Anjali – Really.... really made our day...thanks ...for coming back...we will never take the topic of you not being here for these 2 months... (She hugs Khushi and everyone is happy)

Shyam – Come lets all meet Arnav.


Everyone enters the room

Shyam – oh oh Naani ji...look at Arnav...his face is all brightened up.....

Anjali – Ya ya why not...his Khushi is back....

Arnav – Stop you both...Naani you better take these both out with you for all satsang...I don't want them to trouble me like this...

Naani – Why not...I will take even Khushi along...will that be ok? (Everyone laughs and Khushi just blushes...Arnav smirks..Naani cares his head) Get well soon...cant see you like this....

Arnav – I am fine Naani....dont worry... (He assures her)...

Naani – better rest.... We will leave now....(Everyone leaves room except Khushi...)

Arnav – I missed you....dint you miss me.... (Khushi knew his feelings and she had tears pooled up....but she cannot give in she keeps quite)

Khushi – You need to rest...I will get some juice for you..

Arnav – You cant ignore my feelings for long Khushi....remember Arnav Singh Raizada will get what he he wants at any cost...don't make me take drastic decisions....(Khushi walks off to stop him to stress himself more) I will find out what is making you behave this way soon

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