ASR Sorts all the mess - Last

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Arnav – Khushi ......again in bathroom? (Seeing no response he walks to bathroom and finds her on floor) Khushi....(he rushes to her....she is still in conscious state but exhausted...he supports her and gets her back to bed and make her drink juice for hydration) Feeling better? (Khushi nods a no...) This is what you call knowing about whats happening? (Khushi looks at him and hugs him tight)

Khushi – Don't be so nice to me Arnav please......

Arnav – Khushi.....whats the matter...just tell me.....

Khushi – I cannot..... I am just not able to get that courage.....

Arnav – Ok...forget ...atleast tell me whats with your health? (Releases her from hug and looks in her eyes) Don't you dare to lie...(Lavanya barges in with paper)

Lavanya – What the hell could you be pregnant....are you cheating over Arnav? As far as I know you guy have never been together for 5 months..... so how is this report telling that you are 3 months.....Arnav...just look at this....(Hands the report to Arnav and he glances at it and looks at Khushi)

Arnav – Lavanya....thanks...can you please leave us alone...I think I need to sort few things with Khushi...

Lavanya – But ASR

Arnav – Please Lavanya.......(She nods and leave the room and Arnav locks the door behind. He turns back looking dangerously at Khushi)

Khushi – sorry...

Arnav – So this is what you knew....the reason behind you sickness....(he mocks at her)

Khushi – I mean ...I was scared...that....(Arnav raises eyebrow and questions symbolically) you would not (Arnav closes her mouth)

Arnav – Shhhhh...... you know me very well just cut the one know we spent 2 months in Newyork together when you went there for the training.....

Khushi – Arnav please.....dont reveal things to have promised me....

Arnav – Not anymore Khushi......not when you are pregnant...and have you maintained your promise to me....? (Khushi is silent) so don't expect me to abide by mine then....

Khushi – Arnav listen to me.....this wont do good....Lavanya will get angry.....and...

Arnav – And do what? Who is she to control our lives? Enough is enough...I am fed up of your be good to all nature....(look at her tears...he comes close wipes them) The reason why you are trying to be away from our relation is no more valid because I already know the truth.

Khushi – Arnav.....???

Arnav – think you will just leave me and I will never try to know the reason?

Khushi – Still you are not angry on me?

Arnav – I don't understand why should I be? You were born after your father killed my parents.. you were raised as an orphan after your mother's death during your I don't see any bloody reason to get angry...

Khushi – But I went to see him..

Arnav – Really???? See him or his corpse? Don't fool me......I knew Daadi used my influence to get you assigned as duty doctor to confirm your father's death after he was sentenced to death......(Khushi is shocked to hear the truth which she was hiding)

Khushi – I mean Arnav....

Arnav – I knew this the day you came back from jail.....I have seen you suffer hiding this from me....I could easily tell all this to you myself and avoided all this drama but I wanted you to trust me and reveal things to me yourself.

Khushi – Sorry Arnav....I just could not imagine that hatred feeling

Arnav – You and your stupid brain. Always thinking in wrong way. God save your patients.

Khushi – That was rude

Arnav – Let me call the doctor first (He informs the doctor to visit home and sits next to her) if I knew about pregnancy earlier I would not let you even 2 months ago

Khushi – Shut knew everything still you let me suffer....I hate you....(She hugs him) I thought you will......

Arnav – I would not have done anything that Daadi and Lavanya had told you...(She looks at him with a surprise) I just wanted you to realize my love but not at the cost of our baby suffering (feels her tummy)

Khushi – How mean...

Arnav – oh though you were very generous on left me mercilessly....wasnt that supposed to be mean.....

Khushi – Sorry....(cuddles more).....I never intended...please forgive me....

Arnav – Forgiven Mrs Raizada....(He hugs back and both smile)


Arnav has informed the pregnancy news to everyone and Khushi is shy.

Anjali – Hmmmm so you both were together in Newyork

Khushi – Anjali Ji I mean....Arnav wanted to surprise me.....

Naani – Enough Anjali dear...Khushi will melt in shyness now.....good that you both sorted issues and what is better than celebrating this togetherness with a new member's arrival news....god bless you both

Shyam – Congrats Arnav...

Arnav – Thanks Naani...Thank you jeeju


Khushi is resting and Lavanya barges in

Lavanya – So you told everything to him? But you promised Daadi not to reveal anything (Arnav comes in)

Arnav – She did not tell anything...I knew the game which you and Daadi were playing but just wanted Khushi to realise my love

Lavanya – But ASR her father killed you can you?

Arnav – Lavanya be with my wife and lead my life I do not need a reason....for what ever her father did he has got the punishment so she need not be pulled into it....can you please stop troubling her and leave from here.....its not good for the baby

Lavanya – ASR

Arnav – I said leave.... (Lavanya storms out) ....Hmmmm so finally my Khushi is back...(Khushi smiles)...but still you did not realise my love even after seeing my heart...(Khushi hits him with pillow and he come more close and joins her on bed)

Khushi – Don't you ever talk about it.... I don't want to remember that....

Arnav – Why.....what will happen (he teases)

Khushi – Arnav ....(makes a cry face....Arnav just kiss her cheeks and she blushes)


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