Chapter #6

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"Hoseok!" I yelled from across the hallway. "Y/NNNNNN!!!" Hoseok said with a cute smile on his face.

"I need to tell you something!" I said excitedly with butterflies in my stomach. "What is it?" Hobi asked. I told him the story about what happened between me and Tae yesterday, and I could see his face go from happy to disappointed.

"Owh" he said. "What's wrong?" I asked with a slightly worried face. "Oh uhm nothing" he said while looking at his shoes. "I need to tell ChimChim too!" I said while leaving Hobi on the table while he was still looking at his shoes.

-Time Gap-

"JIMINNN!" I yelled again. "Y/N! What's up?" Jimin asked me. And again, I told the story of what happened between me and Tae. "OMG! SERIOUS? CONGRATS!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" He said with a happy face. His reaction was so different than that of Hobi.

Jimin and I walked back to where I left Hobi and he was still there. Sitting on the table but not staring at his shoes, this time he was staring at his phone.

"Hey Hobi" I said smiling. "Hey" he said dry and continued looking at his phone. "Let's do something after school" I suggested. They both nodded their heads.

The bell rang and we went to our class. Tae was in this class too. When he entered the classroom my breath stopped. I stared the whole time at Tae and didn't pay attention to the lesson.

He acts differently in real life than on the phone. When we text he's like: "OMG! Baby! You look so hot! Come and cuddle with me~" but when we see each other he acts as nothing happened between us.

-Time Gap-

Hoseok, Jimin and I went to our last class. History. I wrote a message on a sticky note for Hoseok and Jimin. "Can we talk after class?"  They wrote something and gave it back. "Yes, sure!"

-Time Gap-

The class was over and we went to our lockers. "What's the thing you wanted to talk about, y/n?" Jimin asked.

"Uhmm... When Tae texts me he's like nice and shit, but when we see each other in the hallways he acts like there's nothing going on between us" I said with a sad face.

"I think he's not so into you" Hoseok said while looking at his phone. "Why would he kiss me then?" I asked.

"Because Yoongi told him to" Namjoon said. "What-?" I asked looking at Namjoon. "I overheard him talking to Jin, he said that he made a deal with Tae, if Tae dates you, Yoongi would make sure that Minji wanted Tae." He said straight up.

Hoseok looked up from his phone with an angry expression. "Wha-" Jimin interrupted me "What the f*ck?" He said angrily. "Yea, I'm sorry. He said you liked him" Namjoon said. "Oh for the love of God, shut up!" I said frustrated. I ran to the bathroom and began crying.

After like 7 minutes, I came out to see Hoseok still waiting for me. I smiled sadly and hugged him. "I'll always wait for you" he said while hugging me tighter and tighter.

-Time Gap-

We were at my apartment watching a movie with Hoseok. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I stood up to open the door and it was Tae.

"What are you doing here?" I asked irritated. "Who is he?" Tae pointed at Hobi. "None of your business" I said clearly frustrated. "What is going on?" Hobi asked. "This slut here is cheating on me? We don't even have a thing." Tae said scoffing.

I tried to hold in my tears but when I saw Hoseok coming towards Tae with an angry expression, I ran upstairs and locked myself up in the bathroom.

I cried while I heard Hobi and Tae fight. (Not physically). After I heard the front door shut, I went to the living room to see if Tae was gone.

I saw Hobi on the sofa, staring at the ceiling. I cleared my throat, making him look at me. I grabbed a cup of water and seated myself next to him.

"Are you breaking up with him?" Hoseok asked after a while. "Yes, I think so" I said, staring at my shoes. "He used you" Hobi said while looking at me. The tears began rolling down my cheeks again and they didn't stop.

Suddenly I felt Hobi's arm wrapping around my waist and pulling me towards him. He hugged me tightly while I cried.

-Time Gap-

We watched movies and talked about our memories. "I remember when you and I were climbing up a tree, but when we needed to go inside, the teacher didn't see us and we stayed up there until someone noticed" Hobi said laughing. "Oh my god! Yes! I remember that!" I said slapping him on his shoulder softly.

-Time Gap-

It was already becoming night so I asked if he wanted to stay over. "Sure why not!" Hoseok said.

He went to get his stuff as I made my bed up, and made the guest room ready. I was done but Hobi still wasn't here. I sat on the sofa waiting for him.

After like 20 minutes the doorbell rang again. Hobi stood outside of my apartment. "Sorry for coming so late, I bought some ice cream" he said while holding up the ice creams. I smiled and grabbed the cones from his hand.

"Why do we stare at each other while eating ice cream?" Hobi asked with a sweet smile. I shrugged and giggled. "I like your eyes" I said making him blush and look away.

I chuckled and made his head look at me. "If you want to look at something, look at me" I said with a smile. He smiled shyly back.

-Time Gap-

We were tired and went to bed. "Am I sleeping in the guest room again?" Hobi asked. "Yes, again!" I said with a smirk.

I put on my pajamas and layed on my bed. I thought about today, it was a very weird day, but Hobi makes everything seem so innocent and happy.

Suddenly Hobi knocked on my door. "Come in" I said with a sleepy voice. Hobi came in and shut the door behind him. "Were you sleeping?" He whispered.

"No" I said. "Wanna cuddle?" He asked getting under my sheets. "Well, you're already under my sheets so.." I said while laying next to him. I layed on his chest while he rubbed my back. I felt shivers running down my spine.

I looked at Hobi and saw his eyes close, I smiled at his cute face and fell asleep in his arms.

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