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𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐘, 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐅𝐔𝐋 eye of Lucius, forced down the salad Lucius brought him and he could feel it want to come back up, but he forced it down. Robert was with Draco, who was two years older than him, at Malfoy Manor. Barty was afraid Narcissa would treat his son different, for she never liked Cassandra that much but she had a kind heart and accepted that Cassandra was a part of this family and that there was nothing she could do about it.

"Robbie asked me last night if Cassie was going to die." Barty told Lucius, who swallowed hard. Barty himself could feel his chest tighten and he urged himself not to cry, but maybe that's all he could do right now. Cry, hurt his fragile lungs and do it all over again. (Barty was afraid one day he'd cry, hurt his lungs and they'd fail him. He was afraid to leave Robert behind. It was his Robbie, he couldn't leave his Robbie behind.)

"He asked me too." Lucius whispered and Barty gulped for air as though he had just run a marathon without stopping. "I told him Cassie was strong."

Barty suddenly shot up before glancing at Lucius. "I need a refill." He mumbled, already pressing his green inhaler in his mouth and he took three huge gulps of air, not bothering to hear Lucius' response as he roamed the halls and his eyes fell on Zara Blue, who smiled at him. "I need a refill." He mumbled, holding up his inhaler and Zara eyed him before she grabbed it gingerly.

"Are you okay?" Zara asked when Barty sat on a chair, clutching his chest.

"I'm fine." Barty knew that was a lie. His wife, his one and only, was dying. He himself was on the path to die and if he dies, his son will be alone. (Even though if he has his uncle Lucius, his aunts Narcissa and Bellatrix and his cousin Draco, Rob will be all alone. Rob survived on the existence of his parents and if they die, little Rob will be left all alone in this monstrous world.)

"Are you sure you don't want a checkup?" Zara asked concern swimming in her brown eyes and Barty looked away. Her eyes weren't as beautiful as Cassandra's, no one could ever have beautiful eyes as Cassandra's.

"I said I'm fine!" Barty growled and Zara nodded before speeding off and Barty sighed. Fine was such a funny word as well.


Even though Barty was surrounded by people who claimed to love him, he felt alone. Cassandra wasn't here. Barty faked a smile at Bellatrix, who asked if he was fine and he assured her that he was. Bellatrix eyed him funny but said nothing to which Barty was grateful for.

"Barty, how's that cousin of yours doing?" Narcissa sweetly asked and Barty could feel whatever remains of the salad he had earlier bubble towards his mouth. She's the reason why his beautiful Cassie is like this.

"I wouldn't know, I can't exactly talk to the dead, can I?" Barty snarled and Narcissa wiped the smile off her face, nodding and stared down at her food.

"Barty, listen, I know you're fucking hurting but bloody hell, Cassandra has been like this for two fucking years now. You can't fucking sulk all day." Bellatrix growled at him and Barty glared at her, already drawing his wand out from his pocket.

"You can't tell me what or what not to do!" Barty yelled, standing up and for once, forgot about his aching chest. "You hated her! You bloody called her mad! And you!" He pointed at Rodolphus with his wand, ready to fire a hex. "You fucking took advantage of her situation!"

"Barty, calm down." Lucius calmy said but Barty shook his head, feeling his chest tighten but he ignored it.

"You all are monsters! You all! Are mon—" Barty clutched his chest, gasping for air as he fell to the floor and Lucius rushed to his side.

"Calm down Barty. Calm down. Take a deep breath in. Where's your inhaler?" Lucius searched his pockets but couldn't find it and he panicked. He let go of Barty and searched the floor for it, panicking even more when he couldn't find it. "Oh for Merlin's sake! Help me find the inhaler!" Lucius ordered his wife, Bellatrix and Rodolphus, who stared at Barty as he turned a deep shade of red in the face. Alas, Narcissa found it.

"Here!" Narcissa yelled, throwing Barty's inhaler at him and Lucius kneeled down by his side, and pressed the inhaler to his lips and pressed down on it.

"You should stay Barty, you can't be alone tonight." Lucius pressed as Barty sat upright, breathing heavy.

"I'm fine." Barty breathed out, feeling his hot tears trail down his cheeks. He heard shuffling of feet before Bellatrix kneeled before him.

"Barty, I'm s—"

"Save it Bellatrix." Barty sighed. "Sorry doesn't cut it anymore." He rolled up his sleeves so the Dark Mark was visible. "I never wanted to be a bloody Death Eater you know? I never asked to be born with my stupid fragile lungs." He shook his head again. "You don't understand, all of you. Cassie's the most amazing person I've ever met." He smiled, wiping away the tears. "You don't understand how much I love Cassie, how much I love Robert. You won't." He stood up, clutching his chest as he pocketed his wand and the inhaler. "I'm fine. But Rob...can he stay? I don't want him to see me like this."

Narcissa smiled at him, her eyes watery. "Of course Barty." Barty forced back a smile of his own and he walked away from them and he trekked his way to the front door, where he went out and was met by a cool wind and he took a deep breath in. He glanced back to Draco's window before he went out the gate, and with one single thought in his head, he twisted and disappeared on the spot. Fine was an extremely funny word.

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