19. Declaration

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"Where are you taking me?" Cassandra followed Koram blindly as he navigated his way through the dark forest. Her fear was overtaking her senses and she was unable to assess her surroundings to look for a way out.

"You've asked me five times already and just like those five times my answer is going to be the same too, I'm not telling you." Koram growled at her as she slammed into his back where he had stopped. She took a step back and mumbled an apology.

Koram looked to his sides before turning right and then continuing on. Cassandra sighed, feeling the cut on her leg sting. Her mind wandered back to the moment she'd grabbed his hand and they'd disappeared into thin air. She wondered how Hades felt knowing that Koram had taken her. Was he hurt? Did he do something stupid? Was he looking for her?

"Keep up!" Koram shouted when he noticed she'd started to slow down. Cassandra quickened her pace behind Koram and swatted at mosquitos that were flying around her.

They walked patiently for a few more moments before Koram took another right turn. They marched through the heavy undergrowth and Cassandra only looked up for a second, stopping immediately as she saw what was in front of her, "We're headed straight for a mountain wall." She declared.

"I know." Koram said grunting as he parted leaves from in front of him.

"Why're we heading for the fucking wall?" Cassandra threw her hands up in exasperation. She wondered what would happen if she was to throw a rock at Koran's head and then decided against it, 'He's my way back to Hell.' She thought.

"Just shut up." Koram said and glared at her. She followed him, silently fuming. When Koram turned around to throw another glare at him she frowned and picked up a rock, 'I'll find my own way back.'

When she bent back upwards Koram had disappeared from in front of her and she let out a little shriek. She looked around frantically and then threw the rock at the wall. Instead of dropping to the ground with a loud thud like Cassandra expected it simply disappeared into the mountain wall. Cassandra stood, looking around to see if anyone else saw that before realising she was alone.

Walking forward, Cassandra held her hand out timidly before lightly brushing her hand against the coarse gray stone. She took a deep breath and prayed to her King before pushing against it. When her hand crossed the barrier she felt herself scoff lightly and then continue the rest of the way into the mountain.

"Took you long enough." Koram said raising an eyebrow at her.

"I'm not a fucking mind reader, how was I supposed to know I'm to walk into a wall?"

Koram stared at her before pouting angrily, "Come on. We're already late."

Cassandra rolled her eyes and followed the path that Koram walked on, the area was lighted up by glowing torches and the rugged walls seemed to cave in towards them with each step they took. Koram took six more calculated steps and then stopped, he turned to his left and his fingers drew a shape on the wall. A wide circle with four dots as if to depict the four prominent directions. He drew a long cross between them and pushed lightly in the middle.

A puff of dust rose into the air as the mountain wall broke apart and moved to the side to show a hidden passage with cobblestone stairs leading upwards. Koram waved a hand, motioning her to go forward and she coughed, choosing not to comment as walked up the stairs that took a turn naturally.

The stairs opened into a dim room. A wooden desk stood in the middle of the room and a dingy bed was pushed up against the wall. Old scriptures were carved into the stone wall and scrap paper protruding from aged books littered the floors.

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