Chapter Thirty-four - Who uses themselves?

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Chapter Thirty-four

Who Uses Themselves as a Guinea Pig? Nathan Does, That's Who.

I managed to talk Nathan out of going back to the hospital. We barely made back in one piece the last time; we weren't going out again. The days slipped into weeks as Nathan tried over and over again to perfect the serum that would eventually be a vaccine.

"I got it!" he shouted one lazy afternoon.

I put down a book I had read about three hundred times and looked through the living room to his lab.

"Got what?" I asked.

"The vaccine! I think I got it right!" he exclaimed, holding up a tube of reddish liquid.



"Are you sure?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"There's only one way to know," he replied.

"And how's that?"

"Test it."

"Who are you going to get to volunteer for that?" I asked skeptically.

He pursed his lips and stared at me for a long moment.

"If you mean you're testing it on yourself you've lost your mind."

"Why not me? Nobody is going to volunteer for this. What if it's not right? They'll die."

"Okay, so it makes sense to test it on yourself? Think about that logic for a second, Nathan."

"I'm positive that it's right," he said, pulling a syringe from a drawer.

"Then why did you say what if? Don't say what if if you're sure! I hate what if's!"

"Relax, Emma," he replied while injecting the liquid into his arm.

"I don't like this, Nathan."

"It's going to be fine."

"What's the plan? How are you going to do this? Just walk out there and wait for one to bite you? What if it eats your throat? Or your heart?"

"You really over think things," he said, shaking his head.

"I think you under think," I shouted, slamming my book down.


"Fine. How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I feel fine. No adverse reactions yet."

"Yet," I echoed while rolling my eyes.



"Chill. I'm going to give it twenty-four hours then I'll go out and do a controlled bite."

"A controlled bite? What exactly is a controlled bite?" I asked.

"We'll catch one, restrain it, and let it quickly bite down on my arm before shooting it."

"That really is the plan? Just go out and let one bite you?"

"What would you suggest?" he asked.

"Um let me think for a second, not doing it. That's a good plan."

"I'm doing it, Emma."

"And what if you turn? What is going to happen to the city? You are the only doctor! How will we survive without a doctor?"

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