Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Jamie Murphy I was born in Galway in Ireland and developed psi abilities at the age of eleven due to the fact that my parents spent most of their time in Salem Virginia in America and only came back home to Ireland for my birth to be in their homeland.

I'm a hybrid which means I developed more than one psi ability meaning I can heal people unlike all the other colours I have telekinesis like a blue I have electrokinesis like a yellow I have mind control abilities like an orange and pyrokinesis like a red but nobody else knows this but me to everyone else I am Jamie Murphy the red that can't control her fire that burns just under her skin waiting to be released at any moment

even in the league no one knows about my abilities not even Cole who is my minder he was assigned to me because Alban thought that it would be good to pair the only two reds together so Cole could show me how to control my abilities so far it's just been a bunch of soul crushing tests am I being dramatic maybe you'll just have to read on to find out


I woke up in an uncomfortable position drunk with fatigue I had to wait a few minutes until I was fully awake to discover the source of my discomfort my hands were bound behind my back to a plain old wooden chair that you could find in every second house in all of America but I wasn't in a house I was in the league headquarters getting through one of my many trials and tests that all psi kids with the league had to go through they called it training I called it them testing my patience them being the minders,league agents and Alban of course my head was throbbing and I felt a warm sticky substance presumably my blood dripping down my temple.

as I glanced around my surroundings I realised that i was in a cell like room with no windows and just two chairs I was occupying one whilst a very familiar face sat opposite me with a stopwatch clenched in his fist and I was not alone sitting in front of me with a familiar smirk plastered on his handsome face was none other than Cole Stewart one of the leagues best agents with blonde hair and baby blue eyes this boy was certainly a sight for sore eyes not that I would ever admit it out loud but one can dream anyways enough of drooling over Coles looks and while they are immaculate they are not the reason that I'm in love with him no the reason for that is much more complex but we will get into that later For now I have to break out of this chair in record timing to pass one of the league's many tests

And just about then I zoned back in and realised that Cole had been instructed me on how to pass this trial and I had been in fantasy land having no idea what he just said all I caught was "Ready to pass this easy test Darlin cause your time starts in" I braces my feet against the floor and gritted my teeth as I prepared to break the chair under me  (just Incase I was unable to break my binds )but first I concentrated on bringing a small flame into the palms of each of my hands so I could melt whatever was used to bind my wrists behind my back
And one I would be ready to escape my current situation and pass my test in perfect timing can't go disappointing Cole again this week with a slow time no that wouldn't do at all

I took a deep breath and waited for Coles signal completely in the zone I was so ready to be out of here "and Go" this was it the moment I get to prove myself to Cole this is the moment I get to prove myself to me as the flames erupted from the palms of my hands a smile of victory came across my face

Out of the darkness x Cole Stewart Where stories live. Discover now